I was watching some clips on the AOL home page and ran across a story about Felice Cohen, a New Yorker that is renting a Manhattan apartment. The apartment is located in the desirable (might I even say enviable for some) Upper East West side. Felice considers herself very lucky, indeed, to live in New York City just minutes away from Central Park, famous restaurants, Times Square and all the fun hustle and bustle that goes with living in THE city.
Felice, even has manageable rent by Manhattan standards. She is paying $700 for her little slice of heaven. Here's the rub. The apartment is 90 square foot. I am not talking about the kitchen, nor am I referring to to the guest room...no I am talking about the WHOLE apartment.
I am not "knocking" her choice. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. (again, I have not a freakin clue who "they" are) If living in the city is what rocks Felice's world, more power to her. I am merely pointing out that very few Americans are this "pared" down and can get their stuff into a closet and simultaneously live in said closet.
As a realtor, I see a lot of houses any given week/month/year and I have yet to see a person live in less than 300 square foot. In fact, I had a listing for a little bungalow that was around 780 square foot and I couldn't hardly give the thing away. (it was adorable, by the way) Here in the Heartland, bigger sells over smaller, any day of the week. Just to equate dollars, if a person wanted a $700 house payment they probably could buy a 2400 square foot home with a yard. It would have 3/4 bedrooms and probably 3 bathrooms. (2.5 really but I am rounding up)
NOTE: I stopped typing and went to MLS and did a search. I came up with 307 houses in just my town (Olathe) that would give you around a $700 house payment. Here are two examples. Now, for all of you out there in the blogosphere going, " Yeh, but who in the hell would want to live in Kansas City as opposed to Manhattan??" That would be the people that want more than 90 square foot for $700 per month. Both of my examples give you a house payment of $698.00.
Well, to move on to my second thought for Tuesday. Here we have
a second story about a woman that did one better. She has an entire house under 90 square foot. Here is a person that really can minimize. She built her own house and it is 84 square foot.
Dee Williams of Olympia, Washington has built herself what she is calling her "dream house". I will say that you just have to love her "thinking out-side of the box" (oh wait...she is living in it) approach to life.
Her home is the size of a parking spot (well...almost the size of a parking spot). Dee's reasons are to simplify her life. All kidding aside, I actually think she might have the right idea. While I am not on board to actually live in a home smaller than my master bedroom closet, I applaud the "concept" of living a less materialistic life. You go, Dee. If it wasn't for the whole claustrophobia thing, you have to love the fact her winter heating bill is $6.00.

The Bad for the Day.... On this morning's news the opening announcement was "Now that the budget has passed the real fight begins". What??? Wasn't that a real fight????
The Weird for the day.... Maybe not as weird as funny...

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Cheryl- I had an apartment like that in NY! Well, it was probably twice as large, maybe a couple hundred square feet, but the bed set-up was the very same. (And I had a tiny kitchen.) You're not home much when you live in NY, so it's not really a big deal. I loved Dee's home though. Less space but much more charming.
I see you're networking here. You can come over to my place to network, too. ;)
I,too thought Dee's home was pretty cute.
AND I think it would be fun to live a "while" in Manhatten no matter what the space contraints are but I like the slower pace that suburbia affords for my age group. (older that dirt)
For me, I will go on week long visits in the big Apple from time to time and come back here to rest.
I saw this on my AOL page to and could not believe anyone could live in a space that small. I did not see the one in Washington, I think her place is a little nicer that the one in New York. I don't think I could live that small. I have stuff and I enjoy my stuff. LOL!
Here's your click ...........
Love and Blessings,
Hi AngelBaby,
I am absolutely sure that I couldn't live in a space that small for very long. That is smaller than a one car parking spot. YIKES. I agree the Washington house is better. She at least has some yard. I am with you, I have stuff, I like my stuff and want a little room to move about in.
Hi Cheryl,
I've thought about down-sizing, but that's a bit extreme! I'm a bit claustrophobic and would need more than 90 sq ft to survive LOL
Wow, those houses near you really look nice and affordable too!
OMG! There's no way on God's Green Earth that I could survive in a space that small! Those women are insane but I guess if they are happy that's all that matters!
Love your weird for the day!
Happy Tuesday!
Hi Wolfe and Trina,
Yeah, that is way to small for me. Hubby and my first apartment was around 500 sq. ft. and I thought that felt tiny. I guess that is what makes our world so interesting. There are so many different types of people. Still a lot of money for 90 sq. ft., no kitchen and no room to speak of.
Talk to you soon. Have a great day.
Hi Cheryl - You just really depressed me by showing me what you get in KC for under $800. I pay over $900. a month for my 900 some square foot condo. And I made a pretty sizeable down payment too. And I will have a heck of a time selling this place. I'll never get out of it what I paid for it. Sorry for whining so much, lol.
Whoa. I'd spend what I saved on rent in therapy! Definitely agree on grandkids.
So, OK, when I was working our security department sent around a notice that said this: "Parking is not allowed along the curb on the North side of the building. Starting Monday, those parking there will be violated." Seems extreme ...
Click, Bud
Barbara, Don't be depressed. If you are the Barbara that I think you are (and you know I have made that mistake before) the beautiful city you live in warrants higher real estate prices. Our market here is a mess which is why things are so cheap. Way too much on the market and few buyers.
Hi Bud,
You are really funny. I think I would go to see a therapist just to get out of that apartment. I would pick one that had a REALLY big office.
Still laughing about the "will be violated" sign.
So tell me, are those two beautiful boys on your blog, your grandboys? IF so I'll bet you and your "hubby" are so proud. NEAT!!!!!! I have two grandboys too, the light of my wife and my lives......
Yes, Wayne, those are my grandboys. They are darling. In fact, sweetness runs in our family.
I saw that clip about the woman with the 90 square foot apartment and was just so damn impressed. I'm planning to downsize this year, but not that much. Still it worked well for her and she did live in a pretty cool part of the city.
So tell me, are those two beautiful boys on your blog, your grandboys? IF so I'll bet you and your "hubby" are so proud. NEAT!!!!!! I have two grandboys too, the light of my wife and my lives......
OMG! There's no way on God's Green Earth that I could survive in a space that small! Those women are insane but I guess if they are happy that's all that matters!
Love your weird for the day!
Happy Tuesday!
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