While I am not glued to my television, I certainly can understand everyone latching onto a seemingly wonderful story. Cute couple that happen to be part of history. How many young couples can go around saying "We are going to be the King and Queen of England someday." Really a modern day version of a fairy tale OR so everyone keeps saying...
My thought is that everyone needs to quit saying that. If the press had gotten a hold of the stories we grew up with and did what the media tends to do....that is pick every lurid detail and run with it...what would the fairy tales of our past sound like?
I can tell you what they would sound like. They would sound SCANDALOUS.
For example the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs would have made the news like this:

Or, what if one of today's entertainment rags got a hold of this story.
Princess C. Ella has Admitted to Delusional Episodes Involving Pumpkins and Mice
I.C. Dert, reporter
It has been reported that the Princess has a history of psychotic breaks leading to delusional episodes. According to her stepmother, it is reported that Cinderella believes she has a fairy godmother that comes to her and "magically" grants wishes. Her stepmother went on to say that during the immediate period of time prior to the Princess' marriage that she was showing signs of mental illness. There have been periods where she seemingly is totally unaware of reality but talks to rodents around her home and even going so far as to dress them in little outfits.
"I tried desperately to have her seek professional help upon finding her dancing with mice singing in a gibberish language that made no sense. She goes around saying things like Bibbity, bobbity, boo. Really, she has periods that she is not being coherent at all". stated her younger stepsister. "We are all quite worried about her mental well being".
Even, some of the staff working at the Castle relate that she has spoken of a crystal coach that she claims was once a large pumpkin that was transformed my her "fairy godmother". Stay tuned for more as we snake out the continuing details of the Princess' strange behavior.
So let's not compare the upcoming wedding to fairy tales but to the fact that two young people are in love and happen to be in the unusual position to be real "royalty". Don't we all wish them the best? Let's all hope they see their own "happily ever after".
What are your thoughts? Is the media "over doing" the coverage? OR are you wanting to see every last detail? Are you going to watch the ceremony? Any additional thoughts on all the wedding related events? Give me your comments.
Even if this would have been part of a psychotic episode for Cinderella, it would have still been cute.
The Good for the Day....Busy week in London with a lot of people having fun
The Bad for the Day....Busy week in London with a lot of people under a lot of stress to pull off the perfect wedding.
The Weird for the Day.... I guess weird is in the mind of the beholder but this is certainly a wedding with a less traditional theme.
Hmmm, I wonder in years to come if they'll be sorry about those superhero wedding photos? Oh, how the media can put a twist on any tale.
I love your take, though! Very, very funny! And fyi - this morning was the first time I saw coverage on the Royal wedding. I've been deliberately neglecting morning news, and I think, after seeing all the hoopla, I'm going to continue ignoring the news. ;)
Hi Jayne,
I am sure that a few years from now those pictures won't seem quite as fun as they do today.
Kudo's for not being glued to the tube. Reports are saying more than a billion (with a B) people will be watching on Friday.
What a clever take on the fairy tales and a perfect metaphor. It was fun to watch the Cinderella video. Such an innocent time. I actually got a little lump in my throat. When Diana and the lying, cheating bastard got married I set my alarm for 3:00 a.m. and watched it all live. I'm not sure if I'll do that this time, but I would like to see it.
I am right on the same page with you again. We have that going on regularly. I watched the real deal with Charles and Diana but this one will be Tivoed. (well unless, I am dealing with insomnia which I do regularly) I won't be getting up at the crack of dawn on purpose.
I truly hope that they have a great marriage. At least they're not starting off with William still in love with another woman like his father was.
Hi Michelle, I agree. This couple seem to be in love...with each other. That is a better way to start of marriage.
I'm guessing I won't see the Royal Wedding live since it will be in the middle of the night here, but I probably won't be able to avoid seeing SOME coverage because it will be all over the place when I do get my lazy butt out of bed.
Nice takes on the modern day fairy tales. ;)
Hi Margaret,I think there will plenty of replays....over...and over...and over, so we will all have the opportunity to see it.
Thanks for stopping by...
I'm guessing I won't see the Royal Wedding live since it will be in the middle of the night here, but I probably won't be able to avoid seeing SOME coverage because it will be all over the place when I do get my lazy butt out of bed.
Nice takes on the modern day fairy tales. ;)
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