Two Thoughts for Tuesday
First Author - Tony Morrison
Tony Morrison is a Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize winning American novelist, editor, and professor.
- 1977 National Book Critics Circle Award for Song of Solomon
- 1977 American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award
- 1987-88 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award
- 1988 American Book Award for Beloved
- 1988 anisfield-Wolf Book Award in Race Relations for Beloved
- 1988 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Beloved
- 1989 MLA Commonwealth Award in Literature
- 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature
- 1993 Commander of the Arts and Letters, Paris
- 1994 Concorcet Medal, Paris
- 1994 Pearl Buck Award
- 1994 Rhegium Julii Prize for Literature
- 1996 Jefferson Lecture
- 1996 National Book Foundation's Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters
- 2000 National Humanities Medal
Second Author - Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi
- attended a community college (no reference to which one)
- appeared on a show called Is She Really Going Out With Him in a episode called Jerz Pud
- got put into a TV series called Jersey Shore after responding to a Facebook ad
- wrote a book called Snooki, A Shore Thing
What do these illustrious authors (well in Snooki's case lets say
Both authors have been hired by Rutgers Univ. for speaking engagements.
Snooki appeared last Thursday evening to speak in an informal Q and A session where she imparted such nuggets of wisdom as
- her version of a PHD, which is a "poof hair do"
- the proper way to do a "fist bump"
- Oh and the wise advice of "Study hard but party harder!".
Tony Morrison, is due to speak at the university's commencement on May 15th so, I really can't say what her speech might include. I venture to guess that it will not include anything to do with fist bumping but why should she give out such detailed instruction on anything that important. Because.....
She is going to be paid $30,000.00
My two thoughts on these two authors and their two paychecks is this....
Rutgers can claim that Snooki's fee didn't come out of the school's operating budget but that still doesn't justify anything. They can also say this is a speaker that the kids wanted and Snooki is their peer. I call Bullsh***. There is NO REASON, a respected school should hire a vapid, ill behaved brat to come and speak to students. The fact that they are throwing $32,000 down the toilet to have Snooki spew her trashy philosophies is just WRONG.
Tony Morrison is being quoted in the news today that the disparity in the pay doesn't bother her at all. She is looking forward to speaking with the students. Good for her, I guess. (I think, I wouldn't take it that well)
One way to look at it, is she won't have to try very hard to have a better speech than Snooki. The bar has been set pretty low.
The Good for the day....The students at Rutgers will have a great speaker for their graduation.
The Bad for the Day....That Snooki would make that much money for being crass.
The Weird for the day....See Bad for the Day
Really I think the girl doing this parody is so much cuter than the real Snooki but she somewhat captures Nicole Polizzi's Snookiness.

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I like the way you think ... and write. It's good to have you joining us in TST, too. I share your disdain of vapid pseudo celebrities. Of course, I disdain vapid real celebrities as well.
I totally agree with Bud. Who am I to say how much someone should be paid but with this ......... I really wonder. I love the way you did this post.
Here's your click .....
Love and Blessings,
Rutgers has just lost any respectability they ever had. And where will Snooki be in less than a year's time? My guess is all but forgotten. She may grab 32K from Rutgers today, but I doubt we'll ever see her pick up a Nobel or Pulitzer.
Hi Bud,
I am with you. Why some people are elevated to the status of "celebrity" is beyond me. I am really getting tired of people that act badly getting all this recognition and cash.
Hi AngleBaby,
Thanks for the click. Again, I really enjoyed your post today. Have a great day.
Hi Jayne,
If Snooki gets a Pulitzer for her trashy book, you can be in charge of finding someone to take over my blog.(I will be unavailable due to my nervous breakdown and subsequent confinement)
I heard about Snooki being paid more than Tony for an appearance. There's something really, really wrong with that.
Hi Michelle,
I am thinking the phrase "Life isn't always fair" has really been "all up in our faces" lately. I think my next several posts will be very rant like. I am becoming such a bitch about the inequalities of life. I'm in New Jersey working and the fact of the matter is, most of the people I talk to want to remind me that she and the others are NOT from Jersey....I wouldn't claim this group either...wonder if Rutgers wants to hear from me? I could speak for half that price......hmmmm $15K, anyone, anyone?? Beuler, Beuler????
This says so much about our society today -- none of it good.
I enjoyed the way you presented this material.
Hi Cheryl,
It's a shame that the literature one, who has done so much, so well with her life seems to fall short on the scale of things when it comes to students and our education system. The only reason that "Snooki" got more money is because she's popular and of course, anyone that can fist-bump properly should get more money!
OMG! What's wrong with people today!
Wow! I can't stand Snooki or any of those reality TV shows like Jersey Shore. It's ridiculous that people would even want to hear her speak. I agree with Jayne, Rutgers has lost any respect I had for them.
Happy Tuesday!
Hi Wayne, I had trouble figuring out the Bueller reference. Now I get it. I would speak at Rutgers too. At this point they wouldn't want to hear what I might have to say.
Hi Wolfe,
You do make a great point. That fist bump is surely worth the extra 2 grand. ha ha. There have been other clowns in history that made good money. Bozo, Clara Belle, Ronald McDonald, They, however, looked nicer than Snooki.
Hi Trina,
You and I always seem to think alike. I suspect we would be great friends if we lived by each other. After all the moving I have done, I suspect I am sticking around KC for the time being though.
Let me just say that when I first heard about the whole Snooki getting paid to speak at Rutgers thing my temper lit like a field of roman candles on the 4th. I was flippin' pissed. And NOW? Knowing that Toni Morrison is getting paid LESS??!!
I think leaving this comment section might be advisable before I let off a litany of swear words that would impress all of the US Armed Forces. (Or before I manage to hyperventilate.) *shakes head*
I saw that about Snooki on a news site, too, and the first thing I thought was "they've got to be kidding!!!" That is just insane. I just don't see any justification for it...none...
What's also crazy is how much the Kardashian sisters get paid for their appearances. What for?!!!
Sheesh! But your post was great...I give you clicks!
Oh Liggy, I am so on board with your comments about the Kar-trash-ians. I have a post coming up sometime in the next few days about the trashy reality stars. The fact these women's only claim to fame is sex tapes but they are getting rich. There is no justice.
Jewell, breath into a brown paper sack right now. Don't want you to pass out. Hey, anytime you feel the need to cuss like a sailor, I have my email address right on my blog. I love when people let loose. (and I am the only one that gets to read my emails)
This week I have heard so many stories related to this kind of thing. I might be doing a whole string of rants for awhile.
It's just so wrong.
Love the picture you chose of Snookie, classic.
Hi Jen,
I agree.. It's just so wrong. I really don't understand how any of the Jersey Shore brats got rich and "infamous" with all their antics.
That picture really does do her justice. She just makes it so easy to pick on her.
It's just so wrong.
Love the picture you chose of Snookie, classic.
Wow! I can't stand Snooki or any of those reality TV shows like Jersey Shore. It's ridiculous that people would even want to hear her speak. I agree with Jayne, Rutgers has lost any respect I had for them.
Happy Tuesday!
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