What a treat! I love treats, you know. Not the edible delicious kind...well...yeh, I guess I like those too ...but frankly they end up on my thighs and butt and I don't consider that a treat. The treat of which I speak, is an award passed my way yesterday by Jewell who not only writes a very funny, calls-it-like-she-sees-it kind of blog but has a real talent for photography. You need to visit Really!? Wait! What? to check it out. Her pictures are really beautiful. Beware that you will find yourself saying "Oh, no you didn't just say that!"

As I seem to still be awake and aware of my surroundings at this point, I have been given the Overlord Award.
Rooaaarrrr of the crowd....applause, applause...more roooaaaarrr of the crowd....Oh, please, really, you flatter me....applause...
(We have already established that this award is the Overlordess Award for the time being as I am a girl)
With recognition comes responsibiltiy, so I have a couple of matters to take care of. As a condition of my Overlordess, I am to do the following:
List three things that I would change if I were Overlordess
A. I would want a "fool proof" lie detector to be developed. THEN all politicians, no matter what party they belong to....hooked up to the "never wrong" machine and take an oath to be honest, work hard for his/her constituents and do the best they can work as a team to get things done. If that perfect lie detector sounds the alarm I want them disqualified.
B. I want manners to come back into fashion in a big way. I want good manners to be the rage. More so than cool shoes, more than neat techy stuff and more than great jeans that make your butt look awesome.
C. Lastly, (this is sort of a two parter) I don't want the media to glamorize and celebritize people that behave badly. AND I don't want those same celebrities to be paid a bigillion dollars for being brats.
The second part of my duties are to name 10 blogs that are worth of world domination.
TEN, OMG..As wordy as I am this would turn into a novel. We all know that you wouldn't have the time or patience, my blogee friends, to read what I would say about ten...so lets go with four.
I do have to disclose though that Jewell, also picked out 4, when she received the award. She picked out one that would have been an "absolute" on my list as well. Anne Dickens who writes a blog called The Day After Yesterday.
Here are my picks for those that would join us in the total domination of the world and the blogosphere.
1. Michele over at Bodacious Boomer would be on my list. She says her blog is the overflow of all the stuff that falls from her brain as she gets older. That totally makes sense to me. How much stuff can one brain hold onto over time? Anyway... her stuff is funny and usually about her life, friends, current topics, basically a little of this and that. What makes Michele's blog nice is that you feel like this is a person you would want to have as a friend in the real world. (opposed to the blogosphere world). So I send the title of Overlordess Award to Michele.
2. Cardiogirl who surprisingly enough calls her blog, Cardiogirl describes herself at 19 % body fat 100% fun. She is fun. Maybe not so much today. According to her post yesterday she is having a colonoscopy today. Sounds like good times, huh. So she might not be in a position to accept the award today. Currently she is saying that she has given up her blog friends like a chick with a new boyfriend because she is working on organizing a blog convention. (Tribal Blogs rock, by the way)
So lets just see if she makes time to be the Overlordess.
3. Momma Fargo over at The Boogie Man is My Friend is also, one of my favorite bloggers that could be a big help in world domination. She's a female police officer with a wickedly funny sense of humor. She also, can put more street cred/smack talk/slang in one post than I could conjure up in ....I don't know exactly...maybe a year of posts. She tells the most interesting stories about the ins and outs of being as she puts it "the po po". Any way she definitely deserves to be a Overlordess.
So lets just see if she makes time to be the Overlordess.
3. Momma Fargo over at The Boogie Man is My Friend is also, one of my favorite bloggers that could be a big help in world domination. She's a female police officer with a wickedly funny sense of humor. She also, can put more street cred/smack talk/slang in one post than I could conjure up in ....I don't know exactly...maybe a year of posts. She tells the most interesting stories about the ins and outs of being as she puts it "the po po". Any way she definitely deserves to be a Overlordess.
4. The last one is Bud over at Oldereyes. I met Bud over at BlogDumps (which by the way is one of the friendliest groups of bloggers in the whole blogosphere.) Bud posts just about every day about something from an older person's point of view. What I will say about Bud is he is SMART. Really smart. According to his profile he has a PhD in Communications Science. Now, frankly, that gives him an unfair advantage over me as I just learned to talk on the fly as a kid....blab..blab...blab. He communicates. The fact that he doesn't feel the need to use some of the "words" that I regularly use to make my point earns him my respect. I, however, won't be giving up my colorful words. In him we would have an Overlord that could talk rationally, concisely, and correctly then I can come up behind and follow up with the "mother of all bad words".
Please note: While mentioning the fact that Bud is smart, that is not to infer that Jewell, Anne Dickens, Michele (Bodacious Boomer), Cardiogirl, and Momma Fargot aren't pure genius themselves.
There you have it! My picks for a team of Overlordess' and an Overlord to rule the world one blog at a time. I will be adding some new members on my blogroll, too. There are so many funny and talented writers out there that I have already found and I am finding new ones all the time.
Maybe Everyone Does Want to Rule the World...
The Good for the Day... sharing with ideas with fun and interesting people via the blogosphere
The Bad for the Day...When it comes to the Internet there is definitely some bad...everyday.
The Weird for the Day....Today's weird might be the fight that is brewing over "if pictures of Osama should be released?". Who would of thought the day would come that we would be taking sides over wanting to see a dead body. Unusual circumstances make for unusual disagreements.
Big CONGRATS on your new title, Lady Overlordess! Much deserved. :)
Happy to see that others have realized your talent. Many thanks young one for passing it along to me. I am verklempt.
Momma Fargo sent me here.. I think she loves you,...
Jayne, you are always so nice. How are things going over at Suburban Soliloquy, today? I was over there earlier admiring the pears, again (heh, heh)
Today in Kansas really does look like Spring.
Hi Michele, I am serious when I say that I really enjoy reading your posts. I will be coming by this afternoon to see whats going on over there. Hope you are having a good day.
Hi Queen, My what a pretty icon you have there. Very Royal with a bit of Sexy thrown in. I think Momma Fargo is the BEST. Her stories are amazing, yet funny. When she talks about driving thru traffic at high speeds, I get car sick. Frankly, it is a good thing I live in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't want her to see what a pantywaist I am. Thanks for stopping by.
50% (not including Annie) of your picks I absolutely can't argue with. Momma Fargo is the bees knees! Love her!
And there's BB...who can't love BB! If you ever try to assume you know what she's going to post you'll probably never get it right! =) She keeps ya hoppin'!
I'll definitely jump over and check out the others you awarded! =) xo
Hi Jewell, you are going to make us wait til Tues. with the info on the new do are you??? You are wicked.
As to my picks that was more difficult that I would have imagined. I have a list of other bloggers that I really like but a select few get bumped to the top of the list as they have lifted me out of a crappy mood when I have had some A**wipes make me feel bad. You would be placed on the top of the heap, as well. There have been several times you sent comments that made me feel vindicated after someone made me feel like sh**. (that isn't a hint not to be frank, you are never mean spirited, besides I would send you a rebuttal right back)
Yup! You guys get to wait until Tuesday. I figured that would give people a chance to make their guesses. =) But Wicked? HEY! I resemble that remark! =)
((( Cheryl ))) I'm so glad I'm able to help make you feel better when s*** hits the fan! =) If nothing else, you could always start that drinking game with one of my posts...that would help lift your spirits too! Not to mention there would be he added benefit of making my posts even funnier! =) HA!
Hey, Cheryl. Congrats and thanks for tagging Older Eyes. By the way Communication Sciences has to do with how radio and radar and stuff like that works. More equations than words. My written communication is, like yours, home grown.
Congratulations! As Overlordess, would you happen to need hired goons to go around ensuring people adhere to your commands? No reason...just asking...
Congratulations.. and I'm with you on the politicians and celebs.. and can you do something about baggy pants as well please?!
Hi Bud, If you put it that way, Communication Science sounds boring yet you made a career out of it. HHHMMM???? I guess all of us Overlord and Overlordess' will just have to rule the world with the aid of radio and radar.
If I were really to enforce something, I definately, need a hired goon. My problem is that some days, I can conquer the world but some days I am a pantywaist. EXAMPLE Some guy at the gym started shouting at me that I was in the wrong lane on the upper track and I started crying. (in all fairness he said it really mean like) Damn, I can be such a wimp. Do you know anyone that would have just told him to piss off on my behalf?
Clare and Gary,
Great suggestion. If I had any real power in this world there would be some SERIOUS changes in fashion. The droopy drawers pants would be one of the first to go. But maybe the skinny (denim girdles)jeans "that show the throng underwear straps because the waist sits so low" would be next. When you have to wax to wear your jeans, I consider it a fashion mistake.
Whoooo Hoooo!! Congratulations! And it's so nice to meet you. Thank you for that lovely comment on my blog today.
I'd be a hired goon for douchebags like that! =) I'd even make my butt kicking shoes sparkley since I am an Overlordess...have to do it in style! Then, considering my luck with heels these days, I'd go back to being barefoot! =)
Overlord in da house! Sorry it took forever and a day to hop over here to accept my sash and royal scepter. Thanks Cheryl -- you're too kind!
Once this conference ends I'll back in top blogging form. Thanks again!
Hi Queen, My what a pretty icon you have there. Very Royal with a bit of Sexy thrown in. I think Momma Fargo is the BEST. Her stories are amazing, yet funny. When she talks about driving thru traffic at high speeds, I get car sick. Frankly, it is a good thing I live in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't want her to see what a pantywaist I am. Thanks for stopping by.
Momma Fargo sent me here.. I think she loves you,...
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