Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rock That Body


As a Realtor, I have occasionally come into homes where people are rather inappropriately dressed or undressed as the case maybe but I haven't had the experience of showing a home that had nudists in full view.  Yes, it has happened. I have talked to real estate agents and clients that have gone into houses where people are naked...unabashedly naked.  It happens, I guess as this is a lifestyle for some people. 

I had a friend in Dallas, that went on a first date with a guy that took her to a party that was attended predominately by nudists.  When asked what she did, she said she took her clothes off and had a nice time at the party.

Not my idea of a good time. 

This brings me to the real topic of today's post.  The disparity between how comfortable or uncomfortable people are with their bodies.  Obviously, naked party goer guy that brought his date to nudist party is entirely comfortable with walking around a total stranger and having no inhibitions at all.  My friend was equally fine as she is open to trying new things and calling them great "life experiences". 

Just this past week 400 people in Wales got together to break a new Guinness World record for the largest number of nude people to skinny dip together.  I am definitely not a team player in that sport. 

I am not even up to the level of comfort that would allow me to take part in the annual Ride New York Subway Pantless event.  This year was the 10th year that Improv Everywhere sponsored an event  for 10,000 registered participants to ride the subways of New York City. 

So while, I appreciate the fun that all these folks are having.  Kudos to them for their joie de vivre.  I might add I would be fine if they were naked as long as my own clothes were firmly in place.

So what are your thoughts?? Would these types of events be fun for you to participate in?  Would it matter that the group in Wales did this to raise money for a charity?     What would you do if you went to look at a home and the residents were there naked? 

Would you consider yourself like me "inhibited" or are you totally "uninhibited"?

The Good for the Day....Clearly the people in Wales are having fun while they are freezing to death.  This event by the way was held on June 20th. 

The Bad for the Day...This is the kind of thing people like me have nightmares about....being naked in a crowd.

The Weird for the Day.... Family Portrait...look how happy the cats look  *Sorry to have to go back and edit but I have gotten a few emails and need to clarify.  This is not my family portrait.  I got this on a web site about nudists, of which I am not.  I couldn't have you thinking this is me or my family...yikes.  Next time I will label all pictures.

Today's video is the theme that Barenaked Ladies made for the TV show Big Bang Theory

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