The Rudest Cities in America:
No. 1: New York City
No. 2: Miami
No. 3: Washington, D.C.
No. 4: Los Angeles
No. 5: Boston No. 6: Dallas/Fort Worth
No. 7: Atlanta
No. 8: Phoenix/Scottsdale
No. 9: Baltimore
No. 10: Orlando
Actually, when they had the teaser at the intro of the program saying "What are the rudest cities in America?" my mind filled with possibilities. For my regular bloggees, you know I have lived in 39 cities with 20 or so of those since being married. I might have to dismiss my picks based on my level of objectivity for the cities that I lived in as a kid because I was too busy being a kid and probably wouldn't of noticed rude people. BUT as an adult, I clearly notice pushy, obnoxious, aggressive behavior when it is smacking me in the face.
I must say, that this list had a few surprised for me. The poll was taken by Travel + Leisure and I have my doubts that this is the "absolute, without a doubt, 100 percent accurate" calculation of the cities that contain the bulk of America's a-holes. I am in fact "shocked" to see Dallas and Atlanta on there. Their inhabitants just seem so darn friendly to me.
According to Travel and Leisure's methodology for gleaning these rudest cities, they comprised a list of 35 cities to evaluate. Poll participants could go onto the Travel + Leisure website and evaluate all manner of things on a scale from 1-5. This, in-it-self begs me to ask the question "What if you are the rudest SOB on the planet and you live in St. Louis or Des Moines"? Well, you just get a pass from being recognized and rewarded for being rude. No high fives for you.
Just in case you are wondering what Travel + Leisure methodology was...and I am sure you were on the edge of your seat in query, here it is.
An online survey, developed by the editors of Travel + Leisure, appeared on from May 16, 2011, to August 15, 2011. Respondents were asked to rate their choice of 35 cities (Anchorage; Atlanta; Austin; Baltimore; Boston; Charleston; Chicago; Dallas/Fort Worth; Denver; Honolulu; Houston; Kansas City; Las Vegas; Los Angeles; Miami; Memphis; Minneapolis/St. Paul; Nashville; New Orleans; New York; Orlando; Philadelphia; Phoenix/Scottsdale; Portland. Maine; Portland, Oregon; Providence; Salt Lake City; San Antonio; San Diego; San Francisco; San Juan; Santa Fe; Savannah; Seattle; and Washington, D.C.) in a selection of subject categories (People, Type of Trip, Nightlife, Culture, Shopping, Food/Drink/Restaurants, Quality of Life/Visitor Experience, and Best Times to Visit). All subject categories and all cities were available for rating at all times. The subject categories were served in random order to respondents. Respondents were asked to identify whether they live in or had visited the cities they rated. The survey results appearing in the print magazine are from respondents who identified themselves as non-residents. Rankings are based on averages of responses from visitors concerning applicable characteristics. Respondents were asked to rate a city for each applicable characteristic, using a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score. Responses were collected and tabulated by Final scores were rounded to the nearest hundredth. When two or more cities have the same score but different ranks, their rankings were ordered by their unrounded score.Thought #1
As I have been in all these cities, I am not entirely comfortable saying all New Yorkers are ruder than the people I encountered at the Walmart in Kansas City yesterday. The fact that NYC has so many people to pick from makes it easier to find jerks when and if you are looking for them. Clearly with that many bodies bustling through the relatively small geographical area that is NYC, there is going to be some general pissiness, some major finger flipping and some extremely rude behavior. (New York City metro covers 6720 square miles and has 18.9 million people and Montana (the whole state of Montana) has 974,989 people and they cover 147,042 square miles) You will note that not one Montana city was named on the list.
Still as I am convinced that ALL American cities, have some rude people within their midst...oh come on know they do...I think you would be hard pressed to actually know where the obnoxious little clusters of jerks are hanging out. I do think that "territorial issues" have a hand in the level of rudeness.
People turn into butt heads when their space is invaded. Whether it is a neighbor infringing on your yard, a jerk cutting you off in traffic, or the chick on a cell phone blocking the baking supplies isle at the Safeway, we are all subject to INCONSIDERATE people.
Thought #2
Some people have no excuse for being the bitch or douche canoe that they are. They are just nasty. The guy that slams a door in the face of the old lady behind him or the person that cuts to the front of the line because their time is WAYYY more important than the rest of the shmucks that are willing to wait their turn, these people are just RUDE. The creep that cuts someone off in traffic causing or nearly causing an accident and doesn't give a apologetic wave is PAST RUDE. The cell phone user that is oblivious to everything and everyone around them and cuts you off in traffic, they are WAY PAST RUDE and just need to go to hell...oops, am I being rude, again?

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