A. I can piss away a day like no one else, dinking around on a computer. TRUE, totally true. It doesn't help that reading 50 or so great blogs takes up an entire morning. This is especially true of the blogs written by Meleah, Nicky, Jewell, Bodacious Boomer, Jayne, Bud, Kimberly, Madge, JuneBug and Anne,,,,and the list goes on. See what I mean. It would take me an hour to tell you about all the blogs I like, so you can imagine how long it takes me to read them all.
B. One of my blogging friends, mentioned that when she initially told her husband that she was going to write a blog, he said "why? So you can vent to the world about things?" It does seem that whatever bitching that needs to be done on any given morning, becomes the topic of the day for me. So here is the thing. I was feeling bad about how negative, I seem to be getting. Is this age related? Is the world getting crazier? Am I just a freakin' bitch? Maybe all three of these things play into it. But here is the upshot. I am going to start up my blog now that I have made my way through the 2 month long Christmas season and the first two weeks of January organizational marathon. (more about that in a minute) AND if I feel the need to bitch to the world...and you can be sure that I will... I guess you will be forewarned that I am not getting any less cynical as I am aging. (none too gracefully, I might add)
C. The other reason for the extended break, is that once I discovered that I can focus on other things besides sitting at my computer, I came up with the idea that perhaps, I should try finding a little balance in my life. Bizarre, idea, I know. Perhaps, I should read more actual books, more actual magazines, spend more time with family and friends....WELL, What do you know? It was so nice to do those things that my two week break became my 2+ month hiatus.
D. Lastly, it didn't help to hear on the local Kansas City News that a 1970 class reunion committee was in the news because they got stiffed from the photographer that was hired to take their pictures. The spokeswoman for the group mentioned that this was especially sad because her and her classmates would probably be dying off before the next reunion in five years. Seems, I now realize that my days are limited so I had better get my ass in gear and accomplish a few more things.
So here I am at the beginning of a new year ready to blog, balance, prepare for my impending demise (according to class reunion chick, anyway) and I am setting forth with some plans. I realize that most people hate the words NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. I, on the other hand, love, love, love setting an unobtainable goal for me to try to achieve. Gives me something to shoot for...over and over again. A contest of sorts with me being the only player. At what other sport can you be the only winner and the only loser.
So, I have already started the first of my resolutions. (start is the operative word here...you didn't see the word "accomplished" did you?) I have sorted out a couple of closets and sorta-kind-of gotten my house in shape for the new year. The glory of my resolutions are there is a lot of wiggle room.
One of my other resolutions is to blog without making it the main focus of my day. I will try to blog regularly and TRY not to be bitching all the time. Just part of the time. In that vein, you might notice that I am adding a new page for my unsolicited advice of running a household. As my day job of being a realtor is still in the toilet I have a lot of time to clean, organize and be a super-duper unpaid maid. Daily, I come across "wonder products" that I use to keep up our house and think that I need to share these glorious products with everyone I know. Hence the new page....Sass and Trash. (some of my readers will think my suggestions worthy of the trash bin) But still for the person that pointed out that people that just love housework, cooking and such... have sick minds, let me go on record as sicknesses goes, this one is fairly painless and doesn't cost anything in medical expenses.
So, I am back and will be blogging my little thoughts down from time to time and look forward to catching up with all of you. Hope you are having a great start to 2012.
PS To all the people that dropped me notes expressing their concern over my possible demise. I love you guys.
Hooray! I'm so glad you're back! I've missed your posts. Glad you enjoyed your "time away."
Hi Kimberly, So glad to be back on line with you. I jumped over to your site and was sorry to see that your Grandpa is ill. I will say prayers for him.
I too am very glad to see you back. I have stopped by a few times and was beginning to believe that I was having a love affair with that snowy pumpkin. It is interesting to hear you say you thought most of your posts were bitching about something. I just really enjoyed your humorous way of looking at the quirks of life. Your post about photography still has me looking at macro lenses for my camera. I just cannot get excited enough to cough up the $400+ plus they want for one. I'm just glad to hear that all is well with you and you are back. Now just get to typing. LOL
Now that the holidays are but dust and dog hair, I'm finding time to read blogs again - so your sabbatical was timed just right for me! Looking forward to the next bitchin' installment . . . :)
Oh hell yes! Welcome back!!
I know how long it takes to read all those blogs, it's like a full-time job!
I am soooooo happy you've decided to start posting again. I've truly missed you.
Love you too, babe. Glad you're back. I was getting ready to issue the old "don't make me come back there" threat if you didn't write something soon. :-)
Thanks, Nicky! I will try to do better. God knows that there seems to be plenty of new stuff for me to whine, bitch...or otherwise write about. Can you tell that I am working hard to improve my outlook?
Thanks, Meleah. It will be nice to catch up with some of my blogging friends. While I did need a bit of a break, I have missed you, as well.
Shouldn't take me long to find things to bitch about as 3 minutes into the news I am spewing phrases like "How dumb can any human be???" "You have got to be kidding??" Or the classic "NO, freakin way!"
Thanks, Bob. All is well and I will try to get back into a rhythm of writing posts again. I hear what your saying about spending mega bucks on the "wants" more than the "needs". Prices on everything seem to be going thru the roof. I am prepared to use my phone as a camera at this point.
I totally understand the need for a break!
I know how you feel. I took a needed break last summer when I just didn't feel that I had anything fresh to bring to it. I probably still don't, but I'm back anyway and I'm so glad you are, too.
I am just where you are....maybe still not 100 per cent in the "feelin it" mode but getting there. I was just missing keeping up with you and the rest of my regular blogs that I follow.
So glad that you've come back!! I didn't think you were a bitch. I liked you just the way you were so don't go changing too much;) I can't wait to hear what's been going on between those ears of yours!
Hi Leah, I am struggling to have anything worth while of interest as life is fairly slow for me now. How about you??? Are you enjoying your time devoted to writing? Hope all is going well.
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