Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's the Word?

Thought Number One.....  What is the word that best describes my reaction to most of the stories on the morning news programs.  (and I am using the word news loosely)

skep·ti·cism  n. 2. an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object

cyn·i·cism  n.
1. An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others: the public cynicism aroused by governmental scandals.
2. A scornfully or jadedly negative comment or act:

or maybe?????

1. (of a person or their manner) Unwilling or unable to believe something

So lets break this down....
Habitually doubts?...that seems to fit.

Questions and disagrees?... that's true... but not necessarily with generally accepted conclusions. 

Jaded? .... perhaps...

Mistrust of integrity? ...no I trust people with integrity...it's the NUTS out there that I am at odds with.

Thought Number Two... So what made me incredulous today?

What brought all this up, you ask?  Well, as it would happen, I was watching The Today Show, yesterday  actually, when the story came on about REBORN babies.   Now given my fragile sensibilities for "crap in the media", upon hearing the squeaky voiced guest talking about her 10 reborn babies,  my ears perked up and I became immersed in all glorious freakishness of the report. 

What really drew me in was the intro with Kerry Sanders sitting in the back seat of a car next to an infant seat bouncing a baby on his lap. Uber creepy...

You all might remember my  story about the guy with the sex doll collection  in England that had amassed 240 sex dolls with his wife's blessing to "take care of" and drive around in his convertible.
As quirky as he is/was, I am not sure that today's story about "reborn" babies is any less strange.

not a bad looking baby as fake babies go

It turns out that these dolls are made to look very realistic,  pretty spot-on  replicas of newborn babies. Think of them as the Stepford Wives' children.  (if you are too, young to be familiar with that movie, just click on the link)

Anyway....  it seems that there are women  (lots and lots of  women) out there that are creating  families with these dolls and pretending they are real babies.  AND when I say pretend, I mean they buy baby gear and deck out nurseries in their homes.

Becky, a 42 year old mom of both real children and fake children, came on the show complete with video to talk about her "baby". Well, just to clarify, ONE of her babies. She has 10. Well, to further, clarify she has 10 fake babies and two real children.  OK, I think I am clear on the family dynamics.

Becky, had Annie, one of her fake babies with her for the show.  Annie rides in an infant car seat and Becky says she only identifies Annie as a Reborn if someone happens to ask.   She went on to say, "I don't think I'm odd, this is a hobby."  (this is where my cynicism raises it's ugly little head and screams, "No, Becky...really...you're odd!!!!)

A second woman, Karen, was on the program, as well.  Karen has built a nursery for her 28 babies.  (BTW..these dolls cost between $40.00 and $12,000.00 and you must adopt them not purchase them...so the money, I guess is the adoption fees)  Karen says she needs them to love, cuddle, and care for as her real children  are grown.  The difference between other types of doll collectors and the Reborn Baby collectors, other than the whole adoption process,  is that the mothers of these babies treat them as "babies".  They take them out in strollers, rock them, and go about the tasks associated with real babies.

So back to my first thought...Am I being a cynic, or a skeptic, a naysayer, or something that I can't even define.  Maybe I am being hypocritical.  I, too, had pretend baby dolls once when I was around 5 years old.

Is anyone else finding this creepy??

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