Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Must Seem Like an Ingrate

Three long weeks ago, Gina Gao  at Modern World  gave me the Kreativ Blogger Award.  I am just now getting down to the business of fullfilling the requirements.  The requirements for the Kreativ Blogger are a little more in depth than most....seriously?...they are asking me questions.   These wouldn't be tough questions for a "normal" person but alas, we are dealing with ME.  A lot of questions require multiple answers....yes...there could be an infinite number of possible answers.  When I named my blog The Art of Being Conflicted" I wasn't kidding.

You will see what I mean shortly.

1. First Question.... What is your favorite song?

Already, I am in trouble.  What genre?? I have tons of favorites in all kinds of genres.  I like pop, rock, hip hop, gospel, country pop and country crossover, movie soundtracks, alternative.. oh...and I adore children's music.   OK, just to pick one, My Father's World, an old-time gospel song.

2.  Favorite Dessert....Any dessert is delicious.  I rarely eat dessert but if you offer me something with sugar in's going to get eaten. 

3.  What ticks you off?  Rudeness for one thing. I could name others but you are now seeing that nothing is a one answer proposition with me?

4.   What do you do when you are upset?  I get irritable and quiet.  I stew about things.  Then I usually put in behind me or try to resolve the problem.

5. What is your favorite pet?  Even tie between dogs and cats.  Currently my two cats are the cutest pets on the planet.  (although a few of my blogger friends have really cute pets)

6. Which do you prefer black or white?? Seriously, you are expecting me to decide between black and white??? In clothing...Black.  In teeth...white.

7. What is your biggest fear? I worry nonstop but I don't have any specific fears.  If a mouse ran across my foot while I was typing this, perhaps I would have a different answer.

8.   What is your attitude?   This is an incomplete sentence.  My attitude towards what??? Life?  Optimistic.  My attitude towards crime?  Very negative.

9. What is perfection?  I am not convinced that anything is perfect but I am fine with most things being less than perfect...but then there are limitations as to how "less" we are talking about.

10. What is your guilty pleasure?  Diet Coke, I know it is not good for me and I am hopelessly addicted to it.

I am supposed to give you ten random facts about myself.....

1.  Female

2. Married

3. Mother

4. Clean Freak

5. Very Organized

6.  Lose patience with bad customer service esp. electronic menus that don't have the prompt I need.

7.  Have infinite patience with little kids and people that need help.

8. Love to hear other people's points of view.

9.  Not crazy about people that believe their point of view is the only correct way of looking at things.

10. Love techy things.

Are those random enough??

Five others that deserve this award

Clearly there are thousands that deserve this award but here are 5 that you should click on and read because they are interesting.

1.  Crack You Whip Very funny humor with very clever drawings.

2.  Super Earthling  Another person that has the ability to draw really fun cartoons and she is   super funny.

3. Older Eyes --- Bud writes from the perspective of a 60 something year old, semi retired man, I find his topics are always enlightening and entertaining.  He is an awesome writer.

4.  The Wyatt Zoo --- Kelly has recently had her third baby. She blogs about her adorable family and posts the most precious pictures of her family. 

5. The Chubby Chatterbox  --- This nomination  is sincere although one might suspect that I am doing this as he just sent an award my way as well.  The fact is, that Chatterbox writes super interesting posts and always has some interesting topics.   And he is an AMAZING illustrator.

With that being said...Thanks Chatterbox for the award. Luckily for me the requirements for this award were covered by the Kreative Blogger requirements.  Two-fer-one...yay!!!

So to the above mentioned bloggers, feel free to grab the Illuminated Blogger award (not you Chatterbox, obviously).   The requirements are simple:

State a random fact about yourself and list 3 other bloggers that deserve the award and why.
(I realize that I have four listed...but I know for a fact, that one of those rarely takes these awards...but on the outside chance all four take it...YAY...they all deserve it)


Nicky said...

Congratulations! Well deserved, my friend. I love the question about attitude. I probably would have answered that I'm not sure what my attitude is, but I do know I have a lot of it! :-)

Susan, Super Earthling said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved award, Cheryl! And thank you so much for thinking of me and honoring me with an award—I truly appreciate the gesture. :)

I enjoyed reading the answers to your questions and the facts about you. My husband is a clean freak and very organized too. I’m glad one of us is! ;-)

Cheryl P. said...

What a sweet thing to say, my friend! Yes, I have plenty of attitude to go around as well. No doubt that is why we felt the need to blog, huh??

Cheryl P. said...

Hardly anyone is more Kreativ...or as the case may be ...creative than you.

My husband and I are both OCDish. We would drive other people crazy if they had to live with us. Our kids turned out to be clean freaks too. Maybe it's genetic.

Sandra said...

Congrats and i don't think i've ever seen such a thoroughly fulfilled blogger award. Going to check oit those you passed your award onto. Can i just say i'm glad white is your preference for teeth since i always pictured you with a big white Colgate smile!

Cperz said...

Thanky you Sandra! I do indeed smile alot and also use Colgate. But, teeth can't be too white. I would like people to have to shield their eyes in my midst. That does not seem to be the case.

Thechubbychatterbox said...

I feel like I now know a lot more about you. I'll be sure to check out these other blogs. Thanks.

Cheryl P. said...

You are a talent for sure. You deserve any awards you get.

Bodaciousboomer said...

I find it interesting that you're a stewer.

I'm just the opposite. I'm like a summer storm. It comes fast; but it goes fast too.

meleahrebeccah said...

Congrats on the award!! LOVED your answers!

Rita McGregor said...

I have a hard time with the one answer thing, too. Tests in school were always challenging. You did well. ;)

Cheryl P. said...

What a great team we would make. You could do all the yelling and I could sulk. That way you would never be interupted.

Cheryl P. said...

Thank you, Meleah, You are always the BEST!!! Did our muses come back from their drunken binge yet????

Cheryl P. said...

Rita, just think what fun it would be to have coffee together. We could ask each other questions and appreciate the long windy answers from each other.

True about tests...essay tests were more like essay term papers.

meleahrebeccah said...


[sad face.]