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No, you aren't THAT drunk! I realize this says "two thoughts for Tuesday and that it is still Monday. I just wanted to be proactive in wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and just couldn't wait.
So...here are my two thoughts for tomorrow.
Thought Number One: The New Year's Promise
For the last several days I have been reading a number of blogs about how people view the start of a new year. Some of the writers are eager for 2013, some are apprehensive, some are optimistic, and some are apathetic. Two really good posts on the subject, came from Susan over at Life, Laughter, Paris and Meleah over at Momma Mia Mea Culpa. (I'll wait while you click over to read those.)
What I loved about both of these posts is the fact that these two ladies had a really crappy 2012...oh wait ...that's not what I loved... I loved that they had a bad year and both sound optimistic that next year will be better.
That's how I feel every New Years Day. I feel optimistic. (my wallowing in skepticism and cynicism is relegated to the other 364 days of the year) It doesn't always work out that my optimism is well-founded but ...still... on New Years Day there is the promise of good things to come. Unlike Susan, I wasn't mugged on a subway, nor was I battling huge health issues as Meleah has been, so there may be less to "move on" from for me. I realize some things are harder to gain leverage against and put behind one.
BUT...While we may not be able to control famines, floods, and reality TV, we can hope for a year of fresh starts, forgiveness and second chances. We can hope that our fellow humans use more wisdom and less stupidity. Even though, fear and worry seem to be intent on snapping at our heels, we can try to stay focused on the positive things in our lives. Yes.... the things like the people we love and the people that love us back. We can try to remember every day that love in all its forms, really makes the world a beautiful place.
I, for one, love making New Year resolutions. Some years I stick with them until the bitter end. Some have to be amended, tweaked and contorted to keep abreast of what is going on in my life. Some just go by the way side. Yet, I am convinced that the very act of setting some goals in January gives me the hope and promise of fulfilling them. Some of my resolutions are just a reminder to myself to recognize all my blessings.....and on most days I can remember most of them.
So my friends..... yes you....I wish you a wonderful new year. I hope you get more of what makes you happy and NONE of what makes you sad. (Frankly, I don't think that is overreaching on my allotted wishes.)
Thank you, TAOBC readers, for following me in 2012. Thanks for reading my ramblings and passing some of it on to your friends. I appreciate your support and consider it a kindness when you send a reader my way or post my writings to your Facebook page or Twitter account. It gives me motivation to keep writing and ...oh, and it makes me happy!!!
Wishing you all the very best in 2013!!!

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What a wonderful New Year's post, Cheryl. Starting every day with a grateful heart may be the single best thing anyone can do in creating the life they want. You're a wise woman, my friend. Wishing you a fabulous 2013! Hugs!
Here's hoping that 2013 is the best year ever for you. Happy New Year.
Thank you, Jayne. It is sometimes so difficult to focus on life's gifts in a climate of chaos. Still I am hopeful things will improve. I wish you the best this coming year as well. You are such a good blogger friend! Hugs to you as well.
Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Chatterbox, as well. Yes, let's hope that 2013 is an awesome year for all of us. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Love your posts and optimistic cynicism. We can't move backwards only forwards and damned the torpedoes! Happy New Year and the best to you and yours!
Thank you, 00dozo,You are right that we can't move backwards. In some cases I want to get as far away from it as I can. Love the "damned the torpedoes" Happy New you to you as well.
I get optimistic every new year, too! Even though it's really just another day, it always seems like a good time to make plans for the future as well as reflect back on experiences we don't want to repeat. I love that you think optimistically, too!
BTW, your blog link at Blogdumps has a typo so it doesn't direct us back here unless we click on your profile icon. ;) just FYI...
Have a safe day travelling and enjoy your new year's day, too!!! Click!
Thanks for pointing out the typo. Ha ...I was overdue to do that. It's been awhile since I messed that up.
I, also, like the idea of Jan. 1st to regroup, set some goals, and come to terms with the things that didn't go the way of would of liked.
Hope you and your family have a great 2013. Let's hope that this year is a better year for everyone.
Happy New Year Cheryl! Love your post and thank you for mentioning my blog! I'll make a few resolutions too (easy ones), and we can compare notes in June :) Wishing you all the best for 2013 and may you continue to make us all laugh with "The Art of Being Conflicted". You couldn't give us a better gift! xoxo
"What I loved about both of these posts is the fact that these two ladies had a really crappy 2012...oh wait ...that's not what I loved... I loved that they had a bad year and both sound optimistic that next year will be better."
Awwwww. Thank you, Cheryl.
2012 totally sucked but I am HOPEFUL things will get better. So there's that.
Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. I am truly grateful to have you in my life.
Happy New Year, my darling sweet friend!
I don't do resultions because I don't stick to them mostly because by the 2nd I have forgotten what they were anyway.........I just live in the moment and don't stress to much over the future or the past since I can't go back and change the past so why stress over what can't be undone or changed...........
Cheers! May you be the bird and not the worm ;)
What a nice thing to say! Yes, let's compare in June. I am not setting any goals that are too difficult either. I send my best wishes to you for a Happy New Year as well. ((((hugs))))
Happy New Year Cheryl! Hope 2013 is good to you :-)
Right back at ya as far as being a great friend. You are the most loyal follower (not just to me but the boat load of other blogs as well) You definitely are on my gratitude list as well.
I sincerely hope that you health issues quit rearing their ugly selves and give you a break. 2012 was just a bitch for you in that area. Here's hoping that this coming year is better....much, much better.
Happy New Year to you and that adorable family of yours.
I know that is how a lot of people feel. If it adds pressure, I am glad you don't do resolutions. For me I like to set a few goals and I find that I stick to them better because I feel like the beginning of the year is a clean slate.
Wishing you the best in 2013!!! I will keep up with you via your blog.
Abso-fricking-lutely!!! Let all of us be the bird and not the worm. Have a great year Riot Kitty. I am so glad I have found your blog!!! AND that you come by here to visit.
Same to you, Nicky!!! Hope all is going well for you and your family. Did Max get everything he wanted for Christmas? Did you??? Any new shoes under the tree? You probably need to start another challenge so I have more WWFC in my life. HA I know Mike is still not recovered from the last challenge though.
Happy New Year!!!
Those were great blogs you referred us over too, thank you. Happy New Year to you, Cheryl!
I am so glad you went over to see them. Both of those women are very clever and I have enjoyed following their blogs.
Wishing you and yours the very best in 2013.
Happy New Year Cheryl!
I stopped making new year resolutions a few years ago, now I just look forward to whatever we're going to do and reflect on the last few years. I'm not good at sticking to resolutions so I stay happier by not trying LOL (Like giving up chocolate for Lent - never works I always sneak a candy bar and cheat and feel really bad about it)
Hi Cheryl!
I think the best New year's resolution I've read somewhere is simply to "remember to write 2013 on everything instead of 2012"
Happy New Year!
You rock. xoxo
I totally understand that. I wouldn't even try to set a goal that I know in my heart, I wouldn't keep. One of the things I try to work on is keeping stress to a minimum so I really don't want to worry over some self imposed rule....that is putting an unrealistic expectation on myself.
Hope this is a great year for you. I love following all your adventures. Travel safe and I will catch up with you next week.
I saw that on someone's list as well. Funny! I would think that just about everyone slips up once in awhile those first few weeks of the new year.
Have fun, travel safe and I will catch up with you next week.
I loved this and the other blogs you wanted us to check out. I do not make resolutions at all anymore because i never kept them anyway so why bother. I am so ready for 2013 it has to be better than last year and the year before. I am really looking forward to it being much better.
I did do a post but I could not leave a post on Blog dump it would not work, I had to go to work so I could not do anything about it. Come by and see it if you want to.
Love and Blessings,
I know that there were some problems with the Blogdumps server so I guess that kept you from being able to post.
I am hopeful you have a much better year ahead of you in 2013. You probably will never look back and laugh at 2012. Let's just think positive thoughts that this is going to be a good year for all of us.
I look forward to reading all of your inspiring, positive posts in 2013. Take care and have a wonderful and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
I hope your 2013 is your best ever. Thank you for visiting and for your encouraging comments.
Oh, have you seen the Writers Group on Google+? Lots of aspiring writers and old-hands who support anyone who wants it.
Hiya kiddo. I don't make resolutions anymore; then I'm not disappointed if I don't keep them. As far as this year goes- I'm totally optimistic until proven otherwise.
Cheryl, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I feel much more optimistic about 2013. I want to get on with living and try some new things this year. Not hang gliding or getting a tattoo, but maybe get out into the community and meet some new people. Join a writer's group. Who knows. I only know that I have a desire for change. Let's see where it takes me;)
Happy New Year and thank you for your words. They always make me smile or if not smile, think. Thinking is a good thing. Big hugs!
Let's hope that 2013 is a banner year for all of us. It is my pleasure to follow your blog. You are very clever and I am always entertained.
I haven't seen the Writers Group. I am very confused about most things Google does short of their search engines. Even Blogger has changed dramatically since I started my first blog. I can't seem to keep up with all their revamping, updating, obliterating and "new and improved" reincarnations. I will have to do some investigating and see what that is about.
I think that is the way to be. Optimistic until proven otherwise. Very wise. I find I can stay optimistic longer if I avoid watching network news.
Let's just go with the fact that this year is going to be a great year.
You and I are exactly on the same page. No tattoos or hang gliding but I, too, need to get out and try some new things and meet some new people. I have gotten into a bit of a rut.
I, also have enjoyed following your blog....oh, and reading your novel as well. You are an artist with words. Let's make this a great year! I look forward to seeing how it comes out.
Happy New Year, Cheryl. I hope 2013 is a good and prosperous one for you, I started mine with a nasty virus...flu? Whatever, I'm getting it out of the way so I can move on and enjoy a healthy year. Cheers!
What a way to start the year, Linda. We have been fighting an upper respiratory virus here as well. Nothing as bad as a flu, you poor thing. Feel better!!! I hope you have a great year in 2013.
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