All of you out there that keep saying you hate the cold and would be happy never to see snow again...we can still be friends but secretly I will think you are slightly unhinged. Who doesn't want a little snow in their life? Oh...that would be you, you say. HMMMM Let's agree to disagree.
Don't misunderstand...I don't want a blizzard or anything but it would be thrilling to wake up to a soft, white, beautiful, first snow of the season on Christmas morning.
Some of you that have been reading my blog for awhile know that I have lived in 39 different towns between my childhood and my adult life. Those have been fairly well split into places that had snow and places that NEVER had snow. I always missed the "hope and promise of snow" in those places where short of hell freezing over were geographically incapable of having even a sprinkling of white. In all the years, we lived in Dallas, or Phoenix, I just never felt 100 percent Christmasy when it was 72 degrees or some un-winter like temp.
When I lived in Flagstaff, AZ or Grand Island, NE there was always a strong likelihood of seeing the lawn (or the garage) covered with snow on Christmas morning. Remember the picture I posted of the geese in our back yard in Grand Island. You might not of noticed but there is SNOW.
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This is a sprinkling of snow by Nebraska standards. It's a whole bunch of geese by anyone's standards. |
Some places such as the town of Kankakee, Illinois where I spent a lot of my "waiting for Santa" years, it was hit and miss as far as White Christmases go. For whatever reason, back then, in the mid-1950's it was usually cold and snowy by December. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
The following picture was taken on Court Street in Kankakee during the holiday shopping season. It appeared in Time and Life magazine in January 1951. This was actually before I was born (but not by much) but you can see remnants of snow. I love this picture because the street continued to look exactly like this for all the Christmases of my childhood with the exception of the cars model years.
Thought Number Two: Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands
So here I am in Kansas City. This is one of the hit and miss states as far as snow in December goes. I suspect the way this year is unseasonably warm this is the only way to have snow on Christmas.
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Perhaps, we need to get creative. Oh,.... by the cousin Sweet P. is coming in for Christmas this year from Arkansas. Do you see the family resemblance??? She talks exactly like I used to.
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Here's hoping you get exactly the present you want this year.
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Well, where I live we never get snow! I live in Los Angeles, California, No Snow region! I did live where it snowed for 1 1/2 years and could not get out of there fast enough. We got 60 feet of snow the 1st year I was there and then 20 feet by the time I left the second year. I love to look at snow but I do not want to live where it snows ever again!
It sure is pretty though, makes everything look amazing.
Here's your click ...........
Love and Blessings,
I don't wish of 60 foot of snow but I miss not having a least a little winter when I live in warm weather places. I like a couple of snowfalls any given year that consist of 7 or 8 inches of snow. Enough to be pretty but it melts a few days later. We are still in a drought here in Kansas so I have no idea if we will get snow this winter or not. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I can't believe next week is already Christmas! It's so warm here in Virginia that I'm wearing a tank top today. I don't want a blizzard either, but it sure would be nice if the temperatures actually felt more like December should. Well...we'll see... ;)
By the way, have a Merry Christmas to you, too!!! (click!)
Hasn't this year flown by. Do you ever get snow where you are at? Not wishing anyone bad weather but a light sprinkling of snow would be pretty.
We, too are unusually warm so there isn't a chance, at least I doubt it.
Hi Cheryl,
Yes, you're right, without the cold and the snow it doesn't seem like Christmas. I remember having good times with the kids snowed in on Christmas at the farm.
A little white Christmas every now and then would be nice. You know, hot chocolates, warm fire, holiday music playing....
Merry Christmas!
Only once in my life have I experienced a white Christmas. It was four years ago and my dad had just passed. I didn't want my mother sitting alone in her apartment so Mrs. C. and I risked our lives to drive up a hill to visit her. I nearly spun out into a ditch and Mom doesn't even remember us coming. Ba Humbug!
Being on a farm at Christmas sound wonderful to me. I am feeling very nostalgic as I get older. There is something to be said for being in the warm sun on a boat as well. I guess there is something to be said for variety.
Agreed...Once in a while it would be nice to have a white Christmas. AND sometimes it would be nice to be in the sun drinking a Pina Colada. Have a great holiday!!!
Does your mom have any inkling what a good son you are. I know about this things as I have a good son. I hope when he risks life and limb for me I remember it. You are a good man, (I am confident about this)
Hey I've been to Kankakee many times. Did you stumble upon a tiny town called Essex while you lived there? I did a post about an unusual artist in Essex IL.
Oh about the snow - sure I would go along with snow all of Christmas week but come New Years Day, I don't want to see any of it.
Well, there's no snow here but it's cold by CA standards, down near 40 ...and next week, we'll be in AZ, where it's about five degrees colder.
I would love to talk to you in person and ask you "what took you down to Kankakee?" Yes, I am familiar with Essex. My dad was a water well driller. Every small town between Champaign-Urbana and Chicago has needed a well drilled at some point.
That is a very wise perspective about snow. A little around the holidays for pretty then it can go away for the year. Didn't you already have a bit of snow this year? As it turns out...we may get about 2-4 inches tomorrow.
I know that you have mentioned where your home in AZ is but of course I am drawing a blank. I lived in Flagstaff for 3 years and it is very cold there. I lived in Phoenix for two years and don't remember it ever being cold.
Yeah, Snow.....not so time, then it can all go away
I would say ONE OR TWO nice snowfalls. Cute baby picture!!!
No shovelable snow this season for us. Nearer the Wisconsin border might be different. My post explains the reason for my stop in Essex. The short answer is relatives living in a village not far from there.
Well drilling - hmm I guess a bad day was hitting rock bottom?
Knock on wood! The snow storm that is supposed to go through KC tomorrow is supposed to hit Chicago later this week.
Actually on the days that he "hit rock bottom" he found no humor in the pun. In that part of Illinois though it is hitting sulfur is what really stinks.
Count me in on the "Snow for Christmas" team. Without snow we wouldn't have "White Christmas". No Bing? No "Holiday Inn"? That just wouldn't be right!
Yay for you!!! I makes it special. I think people on the Snow For Christmas team are in the minority.
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