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I think funny glasses are humorous on some people. |
Why am I explaining my somewhat "off kilter" sense of humor? Well...this week, while I was trolling around for news some of this week's odd news stories, several reports that caught my eye, weren't necessary funny in their subject matter as much as the tie-in of certain words or unlikely outcomes.
Let's start with an April Fools prank...those tend to be tricky. What may be funny in theory may not be so funny in execution. I have to wonder how many times the perpetrator said "Watch this! This is going to be hysterical." only to be followed up with someone else saying "Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?"
So for today's odd news, let's look and see if there is any humor to be had...at all...anywhere...
The Police Didn't Laugh
A Tennessee woman thought she was being funny on April 1st when she called her sister to tell her that she had killed her husband and was needing help stashing his body. The woman, Susan Tammy Hudson, told her sis that she had cleaned up the mess but needed help to bury the body in Blackwater.
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Who wouldn't think this person was just fun prankster? |
As for Susan Tammy's part, she said not to try this prank if you have gullible relatives. She, also, gave a public endorsement of the Kingsport PD saying " Their response time was excellent."
I can't imagine why her relatives didn't find the humor that goes along with confessions of killing one's spouse. (you do get that is me being satirical, right?) What would of made this funnier, at least from the husband's point of view...would be for him to be MIA for a week while the police try to figure out where she hid the body.
Gross Isn't a Good Hooker Name
In the course of an undercover operation targeting a suspected prostitute, a Pennsylvania police officer disrobed, allowed the woman to place a condom on him, and then engaged in sexual activity with her before announcing that, “the cops are coming.”

According to a criminal complaint,
Gross placed an ad on Backpage.com offering her services as an escort. “By the
end of your session with me Your once wished fantasy’s will no longer just be
dreams but finally your reality!,” the ad promised. (Don't you just hate it when hooker's advertisements misuse apostrophes.)
As detailed by Detective Ronald DePellegrin of the Homestead Police Department, he called the number and arranged a $145 half-hour session with Gross, who uses the alias “Beckie Dymon.”
After entering a bedroom, DePellegrin reported, “Beckie asked me if I was a cop. I told her no and asked her if she was one. She told me no.” She then “asked me if she could grab me. At this she grabbed my groin,” noted DePellegrin, who subsequently watched as “Becky” got “totally undressed.” After being directed to do the same, DePellegrin “disrobed” as “Beckie took a condom and placed it on me.”
By this point, critics might argue, DePellegrin had clearly established probable cause that Gross was engaged in prostitution and other illegal acts. The late-afternoon encounter, however, continued. “Beckie started to perform oral sex on me when I said oh shit the cops are coming,” DePellegrin stated. “Beckie stopped performing the act and looked out the window.” With a break in the action, DePellegrin removed the condom, quickly dressed, and announced that he was a Homestead detective and that “Beckie” was under arrest.
In an interview, Gross’s lawyer, Michael Waltman, called DePellegrin’s actions “outrageous,” adding that a civil rights lawsuit against police is a possibility.
Perhaps, I should clarify, I don't find the cop's actions humorous. One could say he is a pig..no slur intended. What I found was some underlying, ever so subtle, humor in, was the hooker's name...really...a hooker with the name GROSS. And for those of you that picked on what might of been the punch line in a dirty joke.... it didn't escape me that the cop said, "there is a cop coming". Seriously????
Dick and Jane
A California lawyer has successfully petitioned a judge to strike his penis from the public record.
A photo of attorney Dwayne Beck’s genitalia was included as an exhibit to a lawsuit filed March 13 by a woman identified only as “Jane Sa Doe.” According to the complaint, Beck made a series of unwanted sexual advances toward “Doe,” who contends she has suffered severe emotional distress as a result of the 51-year-old lawyer’s actions.
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Ladies, would you feel slighted if you were the third one picked to receive the picture? |
“Doe,” who works as a translator/interpreter for a legal service, charges that Beck repeatedly propositioned her, rubbed up against her on several occasions, and e-mailed her a nude photograph.
While Beck and his Riverside law firm “strenuously deny the merits of Plaintiff’s causes and actions” and consider the “Doe” complaint an “effort to harass, humiliate, and embarrass,” their lawyers did acknowledge in a March 29 Superior Court filing that Beck’s penis is, literally, Exhibit A.
The photo of the member of the bar--which we’ve blurred--can be seen on the right. Along with the image, which was texted twice to “Doe,” Beck wrote, “Meet me in Parking garage. No cameras.”
Beck’s application to seal the photo was filed more that two weeks after the “Doe” lawsuit was originally docketed, which allowed the complaint--and its lewd exhibit--to be circulated in media and law circles.
In the court application seeking to seal court records, Beck’s lawyers argued that, “Given the intensely personal nature of the contents of Exhibit A (which contains a nude photograph of Defendant), Defendant has an overriding privacy interest” to have the explicit photo sealed.
As first reported by the OC Weekly, Judge James Di Cesare granted Beck’s request to have his penis sealed, as it were. Di Cesare, however, declined Beck’s other assorted sealing requests.
Beck’s legal team argued that the penis photo had to be stricken to “protect the privacy and dignity of Defendant Dwayne S. Beck’s person.”
His legal team argued that the picture had to be stricken from the record to protect his privacy and dignity. Oh, I think we can all agree that that ship has sailed.
You couldn't make these up! A prostitute named Gross? Bad advertising, to say the least...I suppose it's better than a prostitute with the initials VD.
Goodness, I had to read the last one several times. I'm still in shock. Of course, were he not an attorney, his buddies in the legal system wouldn't be helping him conceal his dick and dickness. Once you forward a picture to someone, it is no longer your property. That's a no boner. I mean, a no brainer. Oh the puns, and/or pathetic attempts at lewd jokes. are endless. But I'll stop now. Thanks for another fascinatingly fun post, Cheryl.
Ugh, the second was was downright upsetting (see, humor is subjective.) I really hope the cop is punished for HIS illegal behavior. This was my first visit to your blog. Please visit us at http://citymusecountrymuse2012.blogspot.com/ and sign up if you like what you see!
Evidently, Diana AKA Becki thought that her name was a liability as well. I wonder if she was trying to be clever or she thinks diamond is spelled Dymon. Yes, having the initials VD would be bad but no worse than STD, I guess...either way she could of still stuck with Dymon as the last name.
I thought the EXACT same thing...it's a good thing this guy has buddies in the legal system that are willing to help him keep his picture concealed. Wouldn't want him to be embarrassed, would we??? The jokes are endless on this one. I was cracking up over at The Smoking Gun reading comments related the case. There are a lot of puns one can use for this story.
I hope you weren't overly upset by the content. On Friday each week I try to find stories that aren't the norm..odd or weird in some way. I would think this is NOT normal procedure for arresting a prostitute. Thanks for visiting.
There's a lot of 'so-called' humour that leaves me cold. I think I may well have been bored at the humour lecture too.
Now your little Crabby Pants always makes me grin!
Sometimes, I shrug it off that the comic is just trying to hard. This person had on the red high top sneakers, spikey hair, and some type of silly psychedelic T Shirt. There was just something about her that didn't allow for that to work.
I find more humor in the witty, off the cuff humor.
Thanks,... Crabby Pants thanks you as well.
Fun stories I love the one about the good response time of the police.
Great, Cheryl. Just great. You are the reason for the tea stains now on my white blouse! Sometimes, one would think you DO lay(or is that lie), awake at night to create these stories. But no, humans can be this 'strange'. Now, I don't think that any of these stories are actually 'funny' so to speak. I know you did not think it was 'humorous' per se, that the cop did his 'thing', first . Gosh...don't we need to create a new specific word for these 'drop your tea cup in astonishment' situations?
As for the lawyer, obviously he didn't use his head to think ahead, for if he had, he should have sent that email with the heading "for your eyes only" and he would have ...uh hum... covered himself.
There would appear to always a positive and a negative to any given event, I guess. It might of been harder for Susan to find the bright side had the cops lock her up.
It would seem that I owe you a white blouse. Perhaps you could fly to Kansas City and we will go shopping for one.
You are right...I wasn't intending to convey that any of the actual events were comedic but there are underlying factors such as the prostitutes name, or the delusional lawyer worrying about his dignity that shows a bit of buffoonery, or clownishness in a otherwise odd event.
The Dr. of Humor's point that there is something funny in every event if you look for it may or may not be true but there are usually a few shreds of silliness in most of the weird news reports.
Ok a picture of a penis is always funny because a penis is such a strange looking thing honestly there are not many nice looking ones around...........lol
Now what gets me is the cop who admited he allowed the prostitute to do sex things to him, would had thought he would had just said no didn't happen lying cow.............
I would suspect that laughing at someone's private parts might be deflating but I am no expert.
I would be curious now that his behavior is appearing in the news, if he is still employed. Not the most professional arrest that was ever made.
Body disposal prank - yeah she is lucky the husband didn't want to return the April Fool's Day joke. He could of made her stay in jail much longer.
I agree on the last one. I'll never understand the reasoning behind ever sending anyone a nude photo of yourself. Ok an exception would be if you were auditioning for a porn movie.
Birds of feather - outrageous sh++ together is a great post theme.
Oh Riot Kitty, I hope I haven't infiltrated your brain with "the need to spot weird news stories". That is absolutely something I would find and put in on my Friday odd news. Seriously, are there just so many stupid people in the world???
BTW..you are a great blog buddy that you would think of my blog!!!
Cheryl, you're funnier just being you than any of these stories. I was laughing my ass off at: "I have to wonder how many times the perpetrator said "Watch this! This
is going to be hysterical." only to be followed up with someone else
saying "Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?" :)
You are sweet to say that, my friend. I actually am less amused by and more amazed by and/or appalled by these types of odd stories BUT there seems to always be a bit of an absurd twist that make them a bit quirky. Not so much laugh out loud funny but sorta-kinda-funny such as the case of the lawyer using the word dignity associated with his client that just texted a picture of his "thaanng" to a co-worker.
That just confirms what I always suspected.... that you are a stand up kind of guy.. That weighs well in your favor that you appreciate good grammar in your hookers and your family/friends would question your likelihood to murder someone.
I thought the same thing when I read about Susan Tammy...was it so totally believable that she was capable of killing her husband that they felt the need to call the cops???
"I can't imagine why her relatives didn't find the humor that goes along with confessions of killing one's spouse. (you do get that is me being satirical, right?) What would of made this funnier, at least from the husband's point of view...would be for him to be MIA for a week while the police try to figure out where she hid the body."
If her husband let her stay in jail, THAT would have been hysterical!
"(Don't you just hate it when hooker's advertisements misuse apostrophes.)"
"What I found was some underlying, ever so subtle, humor in, was the hooker's name...really...a hooker with the name GROSS. And for those of you that picked on what might of been the punch line in a dirty joke.... it didn't escape me that the cop said, "there is a cop coming". Seriously????"
"His legal team argued that the picture had to be stricken from the record to protect his privacy and dignity. Oh, I think we can all agree that that ship has sailed. "
Wow. Just wow!
Meleah, I am so glad to have you weigh in...I think that you always "get" what I find as the twists in these things. I wonder if anyone besides you found the "cop coming" as laughable. I was sooooo amused at the irony of that statement.
Just when I think people can't stoop to new lows, I find another new story and discover...they do. Crazy!!!
I totally got the irony in that statement! And our brains totally work the same! XOXOX
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