Couldn't Find the "What to Name Baby?" book
A Connecticut couple has named their baby with the assistance of their co-coffee drinkers over at the local Starbucks.
Jennifer James and Mark Dixon couldn't decide on a name for the baby boy they were expecting so they took the matter to the place where all matters of importance are decided...the local coffee shop.
Connecticut couple has named its baby with help from customers at a Starbucks
coffee shop.
They put up a sign at the Starbucks in New Haven Green shop, where they are regulars asking people to vote. The couple said they got the idea from a system that the store uses for picking out an "employee of the month" letting the customers vote.
"We saw that and thought we might as well see how it works," Dixon said.
While the couple suggested the names "Jackson" or "Dixon" they did not limit the voting to just those two names. Of the approximate 1800 votes (seems like a lot of people drink a lot of coffee in New Haven) they received suggestions of Obama, Jebediah, Lincoln and Webster as some of their other choices.
Out of the suggested names "Logan" was the winner. The baby will be named Logan Jackson Dixon.
The kid should be thankful that he didn't end up with the name "Venti Light Mocha Frap No Whip". The next big question that the Starbucks patrons will weigh in circumcise or not circumcise?
Losing His Kool
A Florida man allegedly struck his disabled
father several times on the head during an argument about how to make Kool-Aid,
police report.Brandon Crosley was arrested Wednesday following the violent confrontation in the Cocoa apartment he shares with his father Greg. According to a Cocoa Police Department report, Crosley fled the residence after attacking his dad and was apprehended at a neighbor's apartment.
Greg Crosley told police that his son “was making Kool-Aid and was doing it wrong,” so he “attempted to give Brandon advice on how to properly prepare the drink.”
The ensuing “verbal altercation,” an investigator noted, “became physical when Brandon began to punch Greg in the head with closed fist.” The police report does not specify how Crosley was improperly preparing the Kool-Aid.
Brandon Crosley was charged with felony domestic violence and booked into the Brevard County jail, where he is being held in lieu of $1000. He is scheduled for a July 18 arraignment in Circuit Court.
Isn't there an old saying about too many cooks in the kitchen ??...although I am curious how one can make Kool Aid wrong.
The Perfect Tee

subsequent questioning, the cop concluded that Haro was intoxicated.
Haro was busted for
DUI and booked into the Douglas County lockup, where he posed in his message
t-shirt for his mug shot. He was freed from custody Thursday after
posting bond on the misdemeanor count.
What are the odds you will have just the right outfit on for your mug shot?
Oh...I nearly forgot to talk to you about something!!!
For those of you that organize the blogs you read in Google might be aware that Google is discontinuing it (supposedly) this week. I have been trying out several feed readers and thought I would take the opportunity to tell you about a couple.Oh...I nearly forgot to talk to you about something!!!
My favorite thus far is Feedly. That is I was going to put a link to take you directly to Feedly but it links you to all the blogs I read will have to go there and import your own list of blogs you follow. At Freely it will ask you to sign on to your Google account and sync all your feeds. It was a simple click to import all the blogs you read in Google Reader to Feedly. Also it lets you organize the blogs you read and delete them after you read them.
You can, also, go to Bloglovin and set up an account for free. You just type the address or browse by title of the blogs you want and it creates a page for you to access those blogs. There is an import option to sync your Google Reader feeds to Bloglovin as well, I haven't done that yet as I did some manually.
There is a good article on comparing the Bloglovin and Freely sites at I am: A Flippy Doodle. Click to read it if your are interested in setting up a place to organize all the feeds to your favorite sites. The article gives a lot of great info on the pros and cons of both.
I hope you find an easy way to continue to follow The Art of Being Conflicted. I put a button at the upper right corner of my side bar to get you over to Bloglovin. As always, you can have TAOBC emailed directly to you. Either way, I hope to continue talking...or typing...whatever...with you my Internet friends.