Remember when you once played the game I Spy. I don't mean the board game but the child's game.
Often it was played in the car on trips to pass the time away. I know this might seem foreign if you are young enough to be used to sitting in the car with a DVD player or having iPads/tablets to divert your attention away from seeing any actual sights that might be of interest outside your car window.
Anyway, I was saying..there is a game where a person said "I spy with my little eye, something that's starts with an "D" (as an example) and the other person tried to guess what had been seen. (Hint: For today's subject we are not seeing dogs, dolls, dorks, or dancing divas.)
Just as I was getting used to the idea that groups of people were tracking what I buy, what Internet sites I look at, reading my email and checking out my cell phone calls, I read about the drones hovering around
I hope Mr. Corbet isn't speaking for all rednecks. |
I happened to be reading the paper last week when I noticed a story on the front page of the Kansas City Star that addressed a serious problem arising around the U.S.
I would have inserted more of the article but the fact that it was about a third of a newspaper page doesn't really endear itself to be put here on TAOBC.
Essentially it said, hunters aren't thrilled about being spied on. (are we to assume that other groups are open to be spied on?) and have declared open season on unmanned drones. You might be surprised to hear that the FAA is less than thrilled about these drones being shot out of the sky and are asking the hunters to be prepared to face some consequences.
For example, a Colorado town, Deer Trail, population 550, has garnered international attention by proposing an ordinance that would permit shooting down drones. Licensed hunters may even collect $100 bounty if they present verifiable pieces of a drone.
As with all "differences of opinion" lately, this is stirring up the debate of "their rights versus our rights." Clearly, there is a lot of snooping going on. Do we have a right to privacy?
Crabby isn't sure what the limit is for drones. |
Thought Number Two: To those that are watching
For anyone that is monitoring my Facebook/Twitter/email/blog/cell phone or computer for information, try to laugh at my jokes, ignore the rants, don't tell certain family members about the blog as they are better off not knowing. Oh...and some of the stuff I's for research purposes only...quit judging me.
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