Friday, September 6, 2013

After the Fact

This week while going through the odd news of the week, there were a number of reports that added a few lines as to how the person handled their situation.  As luck would have it least as far as my theme today goes....some didn't handle the situation well.

Who Ya Goin' Call?
If you are this car-less, careless, clueless guy, that person would me MOM.

Authorities in Florida said a man called his mother and confessed to buying drugs and possessing a crack pipe while a deputy stood nearby.

The Manatee County Sheriff's Office said the deputy spotted a man riding a bike without any lights around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday and the man seemed to ride faster when he spotted the deputy, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported Tuesday.

The deputy activated the flashing lights on his patrol car and the man appeared to drop something onto the grass, the arrest report said.

The man, identified as James Leo House, of Bradenton, was ordered to sit on the ground and deputy found a burnt glass crack pipe in the area where the man seemed to drop an object.

House asked to call his mother while the deputy was waiting for backup, the sheriff's office said.

"I'm in trouble for buying dope and I had a crack pipe on me," House allegedly told his mother on the phone.

The sheriff's office said House has been arrested 15 times since 2005.

This might not be the first time his mom has heard from her boy...late at night...concerning drugs. Cautionary note:  If you must tell your mother EVERYTHING, don't do it in front of people that have the power to arrest you. 

Bad Date

A first date ended in a dramatic police chase when a man snatched a woman's phone as compensation after she refused to go Dutch on drinks.

Southwark crown court heard that Kishore Nimmala, spent a total of about $84.00 on drinks and was furious when Fakhara Sultana told him she thought men should pay on a first date.

The Daily Mail reports that Nimmala then continued to follow her and pester her for money as the first date which was arranged online went sour.

 When she tried to make a call on her BlackBerry, he snatched it and ran off.

 Prosecutor Helen Thomas said: "Ms Sultana screamed and ran after him. Two passing policemen joined the chase and eventually caught him."  Nimmala, who threw the phone away during the chase, claims he took it thinking Ms Sultana would then pay her share of the bill at the bar in London's Leicester Square.

Are we pretty safe in assuming there won't be a second date?

Don't Call...Tweet

The collegian who provided a giddy Twitter tick-tock of her arrest for drunkenly trying to rush the field during Saturday’s University of Iowa football game, wasn’t so ebullient when posing earlier for her mug shot.

After bonding out of custody, Samantha Goudie, used her Twitter account--@Vodka_samm--to trumpet
details of her public intoxication collar, including her blood alcohol level, which was more than four times the legal limit.

“Just went to jail #yolo” and “I'm going to get .341 tattooed on me because its so epic,” were two of Goudie’s tweets Saturday. She also reported, “Girl waiting for court with me goes ‘I wish I knew the girl who blew a .341’ I said hi.”

However, as seen in the above mug shot, a teary Goudie appeared less boastful when posing for a University of Iowa Police booking photo.

Goudie’s Twitter account, which included a profile photo of her flashing two middle fingers, appears to have been deleted.

Sounds like she loves being a celebrity of the drunken jail bait crowd. 

Cat Burglar

Apparently someone is having some remorse after waking up to find he has a new room mate.  A man in Chico, CA posted an ad on Craigslist that says in part:

If anyone is missing a cat named Django (pronounced Jango, the D is silent) I stole him last night. Not on purpose.  I was extremely intoxicated and thought he was just some random stray I was rescuing. It was not until this morning when I was haphazardly going for a glass of water that I remembered I took the cat and noticed his collar.  .....So please feel free to get back to me and get your cat back.  Thanks! And sorry for stealing him (on accident).

To read the entire ad you can click this link.

Don't you love a drunk thief that is concerned about you mispronouncing the name of his capture?