Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who's At Fault?

Have you followed the news story concerning the mega party that a group of approximately 300 teens had in the vacant home of ex-NFL player, Brian Holloway?

If you haven't let me catch you up to speed.

On August 31st, a mob of an estimated 300 teenagers broke into the Stephentown, New York home of former pro football player Brian Holloway and trashed it, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage.

At the time, Holloway was in Tampa, Florida  where the family currently resides, but learned of the party as it was happening because many of the kids there sent out tweets about it! (some of the reports say that one of Brian's sons saw all the tweets and called his dad about it.)

At first Holloway thought the whole thing was a joke, until he saw photos of the damage on the Internet.

Holloway described what he was seeing on Twitter in an interview with Fox News, saying, “We started
reading all these tweets of people tweeting ‘I can’t believe Holloway’s house, this is awesome. We are trashing the joint. I can’t believe it. We can’t wake this girl up. You know who cares. This is the best party of my life. I can’t believe there is this many cool drugs.’”

By the time police arrived, windows and doors were kicked in, holes had been punched in the walls, and all of the carpets had been destroyed by beer, vomit, and urine.

Thought Number One:  Fighting Fire With Fire

So what is a guy to do when he realizes that an out-of-state property that he owns is being trashed?  In this case, Brian created a website called  HelpMeSave300.  Interesting reading, especially if you want to
find out all the ways to misspell bad words.

I am positive that Crabby Pants, had nothing to do with it.
Anyway,....On the website, Brian and his family started posting all the  pictures and tweets from the party to point out those responsible for "hosting" the party, those attending and all the resulting damage.  He issued an invitation for those that attended to come forward and take some accountability.  At that point, there was more a tone of  trying to give the kids a chance to make amends without charges being filed. (a few more current revisions aren't sounding quite so friendly.)

BUT...of course, that's when things got problematic.  The parents of the kids that have their partying little trespassers exposed on a website, are not happy.  NO THEY AREN'T HAPPY AT ALL.  They have had their lawyers tell Brian to take the website down or they will file suit.  The parents say that Brian has no right to hurt their children's reputation and possibly cause them future problems such as having trouble with college admittance.

Brian's lawyers on the other hand, say the kids posted the pictures to public spaces for all to see and they have no right to insist that they are private.

AND YET THERE IS MORE....Now TMZ reports that the Brian was behind in his mortgage payments and the house potentially was going to go into foreclosure.  They went on to say that there was some disrepair there anyway.  There is a  barn on the property, for example, had some graffiti prior to the party. The family does say that is true, but it was just friend and family names, not the huge amount of obscene graffiti that the party goers left.

So...have we got it right?  The kids are being defamed, according to
the parents.  Oh, and their little darlings didn't do all the damage because the house wasn't being cared for properly.  I am so confused!!! So if you get behind in your mortgage payments,your house is open territory for 300 drinking, partying teenagers that can tweet their little asses off and not be held accountable? 

Thought Number Two:  When Will The Time Come When Victims Quit Being Victimized

I don't really see how the condition of the house, prior to the party matters.  Nor does it matter if Brian was defaulting on the loan.  The fact remains that about 300 kids had an unauthorized party, with underage drinking, illegal drugs and now have parents that are sheltering their kiddos from taking some accountability.

Watch out if you take things of ours, Crabby Pants is looking for a fight.

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