I was recently talking to Grandson #1 and he was telling me about how great his parents are. It turns out, at least according to him, that his dad is the most fun parent EVER. Yes, in the eyes of a six year old, my son-in-law is the most fun guy on the planet.... but that's not all...his mom (aka my daughter) is the smartest woman in the world. Of course, I ask for clarification. I say, "In the whole world?" He assures me that he has included every other person in the world and she is the smartest. He went on to say "His mom is never wrong."
NOTE: In full disclosure, I think both his parents are fun and smart. If either has a problem with aforementioned assessment, they need to take it up with their kid and get the 411 on how they were graded.
Anyway, at six years old, I am sure the day will come that he will not be so adamant about his mom being beyond making mistakes or his dad being the most fun EVER, but for now I am not going to mention any of the "oopsies" that I might have knowledge of. ( Another NOTE: yes, daughter, the details of you wrecking two cars in the same week when you were 16 is safely tucked away...for the time being.)
I love that G-Boy #1 has this image of his parents. That's how it should be. Don't kids deserve role models?
First Thought: Where Does One Look For Role Models?
I am firmly rooted in my belief that all kids of all ages deserve to be surrounded with good role models. It's a given that the people in their day-to-day life such as family, teachers, clergy, etc. should be setting a good example for them to follow, but what about the people they see and hear about outside of their daily lives.
As a child of the 1950's, I grew up in an era far more shrouded in naivety than today's world. I am sure there was plenty of foolishness going on even then, but the media didn't have the capacity to splash every spicy detail across the airwaves. With limited television programming and NO Internet we had the luxury of believing in our heroes minus the scandals. Little people believed that their parents knew everything, that the "good guys" on television would triumph over evil and the the bad guy would get defeated in the end.
Even if the 1950's were WAY before your time, I am sure you can remember some sports heroes prior to the term "performance enhancing drugs" or those of you with really good memories might remember when elected officials were considered leaders and not politicians?
Needless to say, a lot of our heroes, role models and idols have come and gone. They rode off into the sunset just as Roy Rogers and Dale Evans did but without singing "Happy Trails to you until we meet again."
Times have changed. Kids today are not as clueless as those of us that grew up before technology . How could they be? They hear and see so much more than we did and much of it deals with content that is geared for a more mature audience.
I am not saying there aren't people out there that are aren't heroic, or noble or deserving to be placed in the category of being a good role model. We hear about giving, caring people in the news on a regular basis. What I am talking about today is about celebrities that no longer want to create a positive role model. Whether we are talking sports, entertainment, and even public figures, there seems to be a trend that people that have gained fame and recognition often do what will get them noticed. Any publicity is good publicity, so I hear.
Thought Number Two: Why do people want to be notorious instead of noteworthy?
I don't know why, as of late, that being a role model is a bad thing?
Recently, I have listened, in part, to several interviews from actors and actresses that were "child stars". Repeatedly they say they are trying to distance themselves from their childlike persona. Nearly any of the Disney kids have gone to some type of extreme makeover to let us know they are no longer friends with Micky and Minnie Mouse. Who knew that "wholesome" is such a horrible thing to be associated with?
The most recent example of that is Miley Cyrus. She wants to assure everyone that she is a grown-up and that the sweet Hannah Montana is gone for good. We got it...Hannah turned into an oversexualized freak show. BUT...the crowds still come out enmasse for her.
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Being wholesome pays nowhere near as well as being an oversexualized freak show. I believe that sums it up right there.
Unfortunately, the 50s were not WAY before my time so I remember much of what you're written about. I don't know which is better, growing up in the naive 50s or now when there are so few things to have faith in.
I suspect you have heard of the "Wear Sunscreen" speech that was set to music. Here's a related piece:
"...Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders..."
The celebrity obsession seen on TV and the internet puzzles me. Why do so many feed on that crap?
Maybe stupidity is more fluid and easier to soak up than wisdom.
I still wish I lived with The Brady Bunch. Inside that bubble was so cool and the outside world didn't really exist.
Oh, yeah...absolutely. As to how and why we got to this place in time where the big money goes to the big freaks I don't quite get. Last week, Miley said in an interview that she has gotten a million dollar offer to do a porn film. AND still her teenage fans line up to watch her perform.
I am sure that she respected the Disney people while she was banking all of her cash from the Hannah Montana frachise but seemingly she doesn't respect anyone today...including herself.
I vote for being naive. I think I am a few months older than you but even at that we were pretty young in the 50's. Just by our age alone, we should have enjoyed the innocence of our childhood up to that point. (Maybe you weren't quite as obtuse as me as you had Ricky Delgado in your life to keep you informed of wordly things, but then I had crazy divorced parents that fought like madhatters..so it could be a toss up)
I had to keep paring down my post as we had so many positive role models in sports and on TV back then. I was looking at some web sites about what was popular in the late 50's and early 60's. I could let my 6 year old grandson watch 99 percent of what was on TV in that era. Now there are cartoons that I am not letting him watch.
Lisleman, you are the man when it comes to knowing about You Tube videos. I was NOT aware of the "Wear Sunscreen" speech, AND IT IS AWESOME. In fact, I will have to pull Cherastotle out of storage and do a post with that. (I will pay you for the head's up with a link)
As why we have evolved to the point of endorsing and promoting bad behavior, I don't understand it. Why do those that push all the boundries seem to be in such favor and acquire legions of fans????
People like Miley Cyrus and Lindsey Lohan just seem to be idiots but look at the girls lined up behind Miley in the pic,...they are fawning over her. Again, I don't get it.
I am totally on board. In the 50's I would of loved to move in with Ozzie and Harriet. Not because they were cool parents but that Ricky was so cute. Oh, and they didn't seem to ever have any problems that amounted to much.
thanks - It's a favorite speech that was written by a favorite newspaper columnist, Mary Schmich.
Who or what is Cherastotle? It sounds like a nasty liqueur.
I grew up in a naive world too and my husband will tell you that I'm still naive. I'm happy, so if I am, then so be it. I want my son to have a good role model and I think my husband is a good one :) I want my son to believe in magic and have a childhood. I know the Internet and other kids will make him grow up too quickly, but I hope to have some type of handle on it. It's really sad what people do these days, just for the negative attention.
I think Cherastotle would be offended at being compared to a nasty liqueur. She probably would be OK with being compared to cheap wine though.
You and I would be great in-person friends as we think a lot alike about family especially children.
I started off naive but thanks to my idiot relatives, I grew up too fast. Thank goodness, I was always motivated to stay on track which included marrying a really good guy.
I am at a loss how people expose their children at such young ages to very graphic sexualized content and to violence. Why can't they be little children for awhile. I think there comes a time that kids need to be a bit street smart but not at 6 or 7 years old. You are so right..it's sad.
Thanks, Liggy....He is a sharp little guy who observes everything around him. I agree with you whole heartedly that parents are the ones to have the greatest influence, especially in those early formative years. Parents and grandparents (and anyone else that has regular interaction) need to set some positive examples and teach life lessons. The media isn't the place for kids to figure out right from wrong.
Hi Cheryl,
After spending almost a week with my Grandson, I completely understand. They say things that are so true now but are going to change as they get older. It's nice to watch him follow us around, knowing that soon enough he'll want to do other things. The best part is teaching him bad things like funny noises and spit balls... it's my form of payback to my son.
I like to think that he'll look up to everyone in his family as role models, but right now the Hulk and Ironman are pretty awesome.
Oh yeah I so get this, one wonders why so many people think they have to turn into a freak show in order to be noticed, sometimes I think it is sad that we know every stupid thing some so called famous person does back in the 50's the stupid things they did was kept secret
Oops! Using Trina's computer
In the 50's Betty Page was taboo, now not only is she a cultural icon, but her pictures are tame enough for daytime TV. It's just a different time. I like the ideas of less TV and internet for kids and more outside time!
After spending a lot of time with our Little Man, I've decided that I like the age where they still like us and still want to be around us. I hope his role models are always his Grandfather, his Uncle, and his daddy, but for now I'm just enjoying every moment of his innocence :)
Great Thoughts!!
"when elected officials were considered leaders and not politicians?" Wow do we need that right now. No Heroes in Washington D.C. at this time.
Oh Hannah Hannah Hannah! That tongue... OH SO NOT ATTRACTIVE!! She must not be looking at herself in the mirror.
You know, this is all so true it is horribly sad. Look at who our kids see on TV every day... at who they want to be. That is why the world is the way it is!
I love that photo of the Batboys and Robin. I was born in the 60's. It was a pretty innocent time. I agree that kids have a lot more unnecessary exposure to adult themes these days. And I think the question you ask, about being notorious vs noteworthy is a great question. I haven't read a lot about it, but I feel like it comes down to reality television.
Great post...Makes me miss those G boys all the more. I hope they don't forget grandpa while is off on the other side of the world.
I'm wondering why Ms. Cyrus doesn't get how transparent and predictable she is. Hello! We get that you want to prove that you're not Hannah Montana anymore. You're not controversial - Madonna did that shit 30 years ago - you're just a pain in the ass.
I, unfortunately, can't remember a time where politicians were leaders.
Brad Paisley says it all in his song "Celebrity":
Cause when you’re a celebrity
It’s adios reality
You can act just like a fool
And people think you’re cool
Just cause your on T.V.
I can throw a major fit
When my latte isn't just how I like it
They say I've gone insane
I'll blame it on the fame
And the pressures that go with....
Being a Celebrity.
I'll get to cry to Barbara Walters
When things don't go my way
I'll get community service
No matter which law I break
I'll make the supermarket tabloids
They’ll write some awful stuff
But the more they run my name down
The more my price goes up!
hahaha...so you are working at being a good role model with the funny noises and spit ball tutoring, huh?
It is true that these little guys are pretty entertaining with all that comes out of their mouths. Our 3 year old grandson comes out with some hilarious stuff.
Yeh, that is part of my thought...when I talk to my grandboys or some of their assorted friends, ALL the little guys want to be a handful of super heroes. It seems like all their fictional heroes are Marvel comic characters that are linked to mass merchandising. It just seems that there should be more available for our little guys to aspire to be than what they see on a media fueled marketing campaign.
Crazy world we live in. Yeah, now we are learning more and more about some of the revelations of celebrities of yesteryear but in their time the press was pretty discreet. (such as in the case of President Kennedy, for example) but overall the celebrities didn't act outrageously to get attention such as any of the current entertainers like Miley does. I think as long as these brats like Beiber, Lohan, Cyrus, Hilton and others that take up a lot of tabloid space make money from acting badly...they will continue to act like they do.
You hit upon a great point. Enjoying the kids time to be innocent. Even in the animated movies being released today there is a great deal of sexual innuendo and adult humor. I know the 3, 4 or 5 year old isn't picking up on it but we have reached a point in our culture that everything has to be a bit edgy. Super Heroes now are more violent than they were 15 years ago. We don't market other types of heroes to children such as firemen for example. I think little kids understand they are the good guys but you don't see little boys enmasse wanting to be firemen for Halloween. Slick marketing campaigns are setting up a new model for kids and it's very limiting.
Oh Cheryl, while I want to laugh, the loss of trust and good role models grieves my heart. It is wonderful that your grandson think his parents are the 'bestest'. That is as it should be, and I read stats that say this is true EVEN when they hit teens and may be rebellious. But, the change in role models, and the proliferation of bad role models, I am unsure how to deal with it. MC still gets lots of promo, which will only encourage others to follow her example. Why?I don't know. I've even spoken with young women, about songs that are promoting poor role models, that it is disrespecting to them, and they look at me with blank looks. How to explain when it has not been taught to them at a young age? Yes, innocence in childhood I consider vital. So, what happens when that is missing? There is so much within this post that is worthy of a long discussion. But, a discussion that I would hope/want to lead to action. There are MANY good caring role models, noteworthy ones. And yes, children, and adults, need them to help us all work towards our highest good. Are there FB pages doing this? Are there Web sites? Are their personalities? How may we find them, because they deserve the recognition.
I think perhaps that grandparents need to be a tad more assertive about teaching life lessons, through spending time with their grandchildren. While some children's TV shows are okay, it is a person who has a caring relationship with a child that is always there, ready to listen. The intense promotion of TV personalities, even to children, does not sit well with me. Sure, have fun and laugh watching a show, but too many children are absorbing what is taught via media, and much is added to a 'wholesome' program that is not so wholesome. These cartoon characters are moving far beyond simply make believe. 'Older persons' can have a vital role in influencing all children they meet with what is typically referred to now as 'old school' values. Values like knowing right from wrong that are only learned within a caring relationship.
While my "formative years" were a tad later, I grew up with parents that didn't let me watch tv without knowing what I was watching (Mom even kept an eyeball on Sesame Street and The Electric Company), I was allowed X amount of time to watch tv, and ONLY after my homework was finished. I watched shows like Adam 12, (well, some of them, Mom didn't let me watch several episodes, having watched them as an adult, I see why...), Emergency!, and a few cowboy shows. Numerous cartoons of the Bugs Bunny/Tom and Jerry ilk. Mom and Dad had me go outside and play, I would have sword fights, help with rebuilding engines, go play with the animals... Things that when I talk to children often today, they roll eyes and go back to that web site YouTwitFace... Seriously, it seems like what I grew up with, like you, was stable, adult figures who were something to look up to. Now, it's mostly younger adults and teens who seem like they are more in need of therapy, then someone who I would want a child to emulate. (Let's just say, Mom had to remind me once in a while, that Johnny and Roy did NOT drive the squad on two wheels around corners the way I did my go cart!)
And am I the only one, while I think the photo of the kids is cute as all get out, think that Robin looks... like he really needs to go in the house for a moment? I think the Batman on the right is suspecting so... (Lord, now I am remembering the old rhyme, Robin laid an egg, Bat mobile lost a wheel... Guess what's going to be stuck in my head today?) :)
I totally agree. These last couple of weeks has me quite disheartened. I couldn't be more disappointed in our elected officials right now.
Great post, Cheryl. The worst part of all of this is the blame game that's being played by ordinary people. Gen Xers blame Boomers and Boomers point their fingers at Gen Xers as the culprits in how we have reached this state where crude, rude, insensitive, and disrespectful words and actions are the norm. What I'm not seeing or hearing is any good answers as to how we shift the trend that's leading us down a path I never dreamed existed as a kid in the 60s.
I was young but I remember when Laura and Rob (and Lucy and Ricky) slept in twin beds, the harshest words used as curses anywhere and especially on television, were 'dang' and 'darn,' and, while there wasn't a woman in any state or federal position, the people our parents elected were called 'statesmen,' not politicians. Most importantly, not one adult in the town I was raised wanted to be my friend. As kids out in public without our parents, the adults looked out for our safety and corrected our misbehavior by scolding us. Not only were our parents not upset, they were grateful the other adults did both. It has never taken a village to raise a child but having a village full of people who were keenly aware of the children and knew how to behave around them didn't hurt us one little bit.
Katherine...you are always so much fun. If she is looking at herself in the mirror she isn't seeing what we are seeing or she would quit it.
I agree that it can't be a good thing to have kids get a steady diet of violent and sexualized content from TV, movies and games. If would make me feel slightly better if I thought kids were also being taught strong ideals by a good support system (hopefully family), who instilled in them equally strong values.
While I was born in the 50s, I was still a little girl in the early 60's and kids were pretty much left to be kids. How we got from there to here as far as what kids are exposed to is mind boggling.
Frankly, I don't get the types of reality shows that feature things like the Kar-trash-ians. Why are people finding entertainment in bad behavior? I don't get it. AND I really don't think younger children should be feasting on the delights of dysfunctional families. I think my little grandboys are fine to play T- ball in the backyard without needing to see Honey Boo Boo act like a brat.
Oh, Grandpa...they know you are working. Besides, Germany isn't a bad gig for now. We will all see you soon. Me sooner than later.
Are you sure we can't work out meeting somewhere half-way between your house and my house? You and I could have a long, interesting discussion on this. I am sure when you talk to young people about songs or any other type of content that disrespects women..and men, too for that matter...they can't understand what you are talking about if they haven't dealt with recognizing and appreciating what "respect" looks like.
Another really important point you bring up is the proliferation of bad role models. When adults are endorsing and promoting bad behaviors esp. dealing with sex, underage drinking and drugs, how are kids going to make responsible choices?
We have a local case that is currently going on that illustrates the acceptance of bad behavior without consequence. I don't know if it is possible to read the Kansas City Star online but the case is in numerous publications nationally. A young girl Daisy Coleman (age 14) and a friend (age 13) were allegedly raped by a high school football star (which just happens to be the grandson of an ex-Representative of Missouri) and several other boys. One of the boys video taped the incident. The boys are not being charged. The thing that even more disturbing is the how the people are weighing in on all of it. You wouldn't believe some of the comments about how the party was just that a party and kids have sex and no laws were broken, The fact that Daisy Coleman was injured, dumped on a porch unconscious, and spent the night that was during freezing conditions have even more bizarre rationalizations.
As you pointed out..this would be a long discussion. How does one change the tide of people making bad choices if they don't recognize them as being "bad"?
You really had a mom with her eyes on the road. When my own kids were growing up they didn't watch a whole lot of anything other than PBS when they were small. It could be that Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch could of done a better job on how they mentored my children. Thankfully, my kids weren't so much into TV, that I had to worry about prime time dramas.
I have become far more conscious of what is on when my grandkids are over. I would never have something like Two Broke Girls on for example.
But even cartoons are sketchy. I was flipping channels and went by Family Guy. Of course, the little boys said "stop, there's a cartoon."
While I think it is pretty funny, I had to have a talk with our 6 year old G-boy that sometimes cartoons aren't appropriate for his age. He didn't question it but there are plenty of things that have a kid like appearance but nothing about it is geared for kids. Tom and Jerry and Looney Toons are still on and we see them from time to time.
I thought that picture was cute, as well. I found it at several different web sites so I don't know who the photographer is. If I figure it out I will add a caption as to its creator.
I love that you had that experience. My kids would be your peer group and they too didn't have Internet. (in fairness, it wasn't commonly available). I don't know if our kids thought we were smart but they did act like they liked us. (I can live with that). And they still do.
I am sure if and when you decide to have kids you will do what you think is right for them and you all will be fine. I think strong family units work around all the BS that is out there. For every family that is raising rude disrespectful kids, there are a dozen other families that are spending quality time teaching their children right and wrong, they are playing sports, and making sure their children have respect for themselves and for others.
It's the families like the Kar-trash-ians that I don't get. (I am also gagging) How do you market dysfunction? I have no respect for Kris Jenner.
TV was a treat and quite often, a privilege earned. I remember the joy of being able to stay up late once a year to watch "The Wizard of Oz."
The point about not knowing our neighbors is sad and true. Not only do children spend far less time outside, so do adults. As a kid, stay-at-home parents were outside with the kids or hanging laundry or gardening or simply enjoying the company of the other parents or retirees who also spent a great deal of time outdoors. That's where the connections were built. Cars were a luxury so most families only had one, not one for every driver. Whoever was minding the kids was stuck for the work day because in my neck of the woods mass transit didn't and still doesn't exist. You walked, rode a bike, or waited until someone got home from work to go out to shop. Dinner out was a big deal, not an everyday occurrence.
What I struggle with most is how fast things are changing since the internet. There was a steady pace to change prior to our dependence on computers. Now everything is moving at the speed of light and keeping up is becoming impossible for folks like me who are 50% Luddite. These rapid-fire changes make it impossible for people to think before acting and I believe that's part of why there's such a high degree of rudeness ~ people are just moving too fast to be polite and considerate. Everything has a deadline of yesterday and trying to function at that pace and maintain some semblance of human kindness is just too much for people to handle.
Unfortunately that seems to be a more common event than we want to know. There was one in my city about two years ago. And who is the one who is still suffering from it - the young woman , of course, Her face was clear in video, and it got on -line. I feel sick thinking about it. There are so many comments here that we are in agreement. But, seriously, what can we DO about it, how can we change this course that society has taken? Does anyone know of web pages combating this or FB or individuals? This is indeed about respect, about important values in life. How there be an international day of the girl and this is happening? Keep on writing about it Cheryl, and hopefully we will find a way through everyone's collective ideas to make an impact. Some way. Some how. I do believe it can happen.
Changing the course of how society perceives what is cool vs. what is right or what is ethical/moral as opposed as what is current and happening is the kind of stuff that would be more complicated than trying to figure out what came first the chicken or the egg?
What I think part of the solution is is working at the local level to keep kids engaged in school, sports, and interest based activities with mentors that show kids what responsibility looks like. For example, there is a program here that teenagers can sigh up for to earn a car. They go to training classes to earn a certification to be auto mechanics. They learn to be mechanics on used donated cars that will become theirs after they get done training, get certified and assist for a period of time in the program to aid other kids coming in for training behind them. What the organizers are finding is that both the girls and the boys find the teaching part so rewarding that they just keep coming back to help...long after they have gotten their certification and their car.
For all the crud I see on TV, I see a lot of kids that work hard and have great values...maybe it's a case we just see and hear more about the anomalies rather than the normal everyday kid. It still doesn't seem right that the media perpetuates the overtly sexual overtones and constant endorsement of bad behavior in a positive light.
As far as groups that are pooling resources to insure kids have the support and tools they need to stay above the fray, ...I don't know what is out there nor due I know how to turn the tide of this acceptance of sleaziness.
You and I have very similar experiences. The Wizard of Oz was a special event at our house as well.
I loved that we used to know all of our neighbors and kids could play tag and kick the can until dusk while the parents all visited. I remember my dad buying a new car for our family in 1960, a VW Bug and you would think that it was the second coming...it was that big of deal. My mom still was in picture at that point but never had a driver's license. She was a stay at home mom but then all the women on the street were as well.
Dinner was at 6PM like clockwork.
Interesting that you point out the Internet connection. I did a post that I never published about how the Internet and Microwave ovens are responsible for all of us to have a form of AADD (adult attention deficit disorder) We all consider that things have to run in seconds, not minutes, not hours but seconds. The pace of getting what we want is never fast enough. It's making us crazy, impatient and rude.
Cheryl, I think that some celebrities set the bar low on purpose. They do it to create lots of distant between themselves and criticism, after all, if I call myself a drunk or a whore, I take away their power to hurt me with those words. It's a cowardly thing to do.
Being in the spotlight isn't easy, but like you, I grew up in the days when movie stars and athletes saw being a celebrity as a privilege that came with the responsibility to at least try and hold a high standard of conduct for the youth.
Yes. I long for the days when role models earned their status through their greatness. Now, they get there by making fools of themselves. It's a twisted world.
Some of them wouldn't have to try very hard to set the bar low as they really are drunks and whores. Slap my mouth for being so evil.
I suspect, I could handle the spot light slightly more willingly if I made enough dough to allow me to hire the right security and have multiple houses. I totally agree that money doesn't buy happiness but if it isn't buying some perks of some kind they don't have a clear understanding of money.
I absolutely agree with your last comment. That is the BIG difference. There was a time when acquireing fame came with the obligation to use the celebrity status in positive ways. Now a portion of celebrities, feel intitled to the wealth, they want the fans but they feel no obligation to not be total jackasses.
TWISTED...that is a great word for what we are talking about. The concept has gotten twisted as far as celebrities feeling the need to be any type of positive influence in lieu of all the perks, fame, and money that their adoring fans send their way.
People have always been fascinated with scandal but in the last decade or so, the shift of entertainment to "reality" programming has made it not only acceptable but also desirable for people to live overly dramatic, scandalous lives in order to gain fame and attention. And as you mentioned, it's not just celebrities. The problem is, as long as the masses keep looking, they'll keep behaving - or rather, misbehaving - that way. And the masses show no signs of looking the other way anytime soon.
Absolutely, spot on...and you are so right, that this isn't relegated to celebs. Nor is the "acting like idiots" confined to kids. In some of the comments we were talking about the need for role models to keep the kids on the right path, but the grown ups need to act like they have matured past the age of puberty, as well.
I think the big mystery is "why are the masses" not growing tired of all the drama and being repulsed by the shallow, self-absorbed people that continue to act up. Really, how many train wrecks would a person want to watch before they really want to get involved in fixing the tracks???
Nicky said it in a nutshell. Sadly, people love to watch or read this kind of rubbish. One of our 'reality' show, stars (used in the loosest way possible) found her way onto our Celebrity Big Brother and she was obnoxious - even admitting, proudly, that she actually had sex on camera, during her show. Much to our disdain, she actually WON against all the real celebs and frankly, much nicer people. I wonder where it will go next.
There is a British version of Big Brother as well? I didn't realize that. That is exactly the kind of thing that has me mystified....the people have no boundaries and will remain in the public eye. There doesn't seem to be any penalties for being trashy. I hope there is a backlash at some point.
Yes, there is, though our celebrity version has always been very 'proper'. They usually behave well and are trying to either further their career, or bounce back after a slump. This was the first time we've ever seen such a trashy person (I can't even call her a celebrity) on it. She even got drunk and peed her bed, then made a big thing about it in the morning, showing it to everyone and running around in her soiled night dress, even in the diary room. Unbelievable behaviour - and she won!
You are so right. It is unfortunate that many celebrities view any kind of publicity as good publicity. They'd stop if they didn't have a receptive audience that idolizes and embraces their bad behavior.
It's unfortunate that kids today have never experienced life without the Internet and the 24/7 cycle of information. It can't be good for the brain. When I was a kid, I loved to write and use my imagination. Today, nothing is left to the imagination. Kids play video games instead of allowing their minds to play.
Today's heroes are fictional because the ones we thought were real always let us down.
Hi Lauren, Welcome!
You are absolutely right, as long as celebrities are embraced by fans they take it as a form of endorsement. There doesn't seem to be a backlash to all their bizarre behavior. Even when they run into legal consequences it seems there are a lot of rationalizations how it isn't there fault. (it's so hard to be a celebrity...wah..wah)
That is a very interesting point...as a person that grew up without electronics of any kind, I tend to forget how we drew pictures, read books, played outside etc. because we couldn't sit for hours in front of a computer. But the lack of that technology forced us to get creative and imaginative.
There a lot of things that worry me about the type of heroes we manufacture today. The whole superheroes thing, tends to be overtly violent but has even the preschool set entranced. Sport figures now tend to be in the news more and more because of scandals and drugs. There seems to be an absence of role models that embrace wholesome values. I hope that parents, (and other family members) and community members pick up the slack.
"What I am talking about today is about celebrities that no longer want to create a positive role model"
And sadly, there are far too many of THOSE in the news, all day, every day.
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