You know that I always like to participate in Two Thoughts for Tuesday with the Blogdumps crew and had every intention of having time yesterday to at least get started BUT as I managed to have both my flight out of Frankfurt, Germany delayed and the flight out of Houston to Kansas City delayed as well....consider this post a little blurb to let you know that I am alive and well. One (meaning YOU) really can't expect a lot of quality and superior content when it is coming from a jet-lagged, caffeine deprived, ME after getting home around 3 AM this morning.
Over the next few weeks, I will try to find time to tell you about some of the more interesting parts of my trip. Obviously, the very best part was seeing my husband. He is coming home for Christmas so, I get to see him again in just a couple of weeks.
Anywho....back to the issue at hand. Two Thoughts????
Thought Number One: Some Airports are Easier than Others
In the past, when we went overseas we went through Amsterdam or Munich. This time I went through Frankfurt both coming and going and I thought it was a thoroughly confusing airport as far as getting to the terminal. Once inside the building not bad at all but, frankly the odds of you finding your way to a parking garage are so remote that you might, in fact, never get to see the inside of the terminal. Well...unless you are willing to jump out of a moving car and run for the entrance. I wasn't willing or able to try that method as my big ole suitcase wouldn't of made the jump. Next best method is to pull into the rental return lot of the same company as your rental car is from and beg for mercy. The Enterprise people didn't seem to find it surprising that we couldn't find the parking garage and were very nice to help us figure out the "how to get to "point A from Point B."
Of course, it could be said that IF a person could read German signs, this problem of not locating the entrance of the parking garage might of been somewhat easier. As I don't read German signs, it is a miracle that I managed to get back to Kansas City at all. of 3:00 AM, I am back home. YAY!!!!
Thought Number Two: Are Vacations Worth the Price You Pay When You Return?
So here I am trying to think of "two" thoughts while actually I am thinking hundreds of thoughts of all that needs to get accomplished now that I am back. I am very behind in all things...mail, news (did anything of interest happen in the U.S in the last couple of weeks???) , blogging, reading, correspondence, returning emails and returning phone calls...and the list goes on.
So my friends, I will try to get caught up and get back posting on a more consistent schedule. AND to my blogging friends, I will see you over at your blogs soon.

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