Spoiler Alert: Yes, I am going to say something negative about Hollywood royalty. If it helps.... I am somewhat conflicted about calling someone out for
something, when usually this person is a class act.
Thought Number One: Was It the Right Time or the Right Place?
I was more than a tad ( tad is a limited quantity that is more than a smidgen but less than a bucket-full) when I heard the speech that Meryl Streep gave at the National Board of Review dinner in New York City a couple of weeks ago.
Streep was at the event to honor Emma Thompson for her portrayal of Mary Poppins’ creator, PL Travers in the Disney film, Saving Mr Banks. The speech started off well enough with some kind remarks about her friend.
She said of her good chum: ‘Not only is she not irascible, she’s practically a saint. There’s something so consoling about that old trope, but Emma makes you want to kill yourself, because she’s a beautiful artist, she’s a writer, she’s a thinker, she’s a living, acting conscience.’
You have to admit...that is some serious praise she is bestowing....although...I am going out on a limb here that the actual number of people wanting to kill themselves over Emma's talents might be lower that Meryl implied. (I for one, am pretty secure in my mediocrity.)
Anyway....after a couple more platitudes were tossed Emma's way, the subject took a U-turn. She then went off on a scathing synopses of what a jerk Walt Disney was. Her tirade called him a "hideous anti-Semite and gender bigot. She felt the need to read a letter Walt wrote in 1938 to an aspiring female animator, that pretty much said the woman had no chance to be an animator for the Disney organization, as she was the wrong gender to work in such a creative endeavor.
She reinforced her point by reading a statement from one of Disney's associates, animator Ward Kimbal who reported that Walt Disney didn’t really like women, Quoting the esteemed animator regarding his old boss: ‘He didn’t trust women or cats.’ (BTW..there are a number of articles that came out to both support her claims and others that disputed her claims. One of the most interesting articles was Fact Checking Meryl Streep's Disney Bashing Speech.)
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He didn't trust cats??? |
My beef about her speech had less to do with her comments about Disney and more about the inappropriate place and timing of her remarks such as:
1. Why use Emma Thompsons big night as an anti-Disney forum? The movie in which Emma was being honored for is a Disney production. Shouldn't this be more about Emma and less about the production company or the movie's subject.
2. While the facts may be correct,...perhaps Disney was the worst example of a woman-hating, bigot, (I haven't a clue to the inner thoughts of the man) but that was 30 years ago and he isn't around to tell his side of the story.
3. Even if we go with the premise that Walt was a misogynist and bigot...even then... does it seem right to use that forum to bash him at an award ceremony honoring an actor that appeared in a movie produced by Disney company about the man, Walt Disney?
4. AND lastly, if she really has a HUGE issue with the man and his company, I would think Meryl wouldn't be working for him. I bet she cashes the paychecks coming in for Into the Woods. Her latest project is a Walt Disney Production.
Of course that wasn't the end of her little speech.... NO...she went one step further...by adding....
‘there is a piece of received wisdom that says that the most creative people are often odd, or irritating, eccentric, damaged, difficult. That along with enormous creativity come certain deficits in humanity or decency. We are familiar with this trope in our business: Mozart, Van Gogh, Tarantino, Eminem,’
OK...I have questions...Did she mean "perceived wisdom?"
Why does she keep using the word "trope"? It it a favorite word of hers?
What makes Mozart, Van Gogh, Tarantino, and Eminem deficient in decency or in humanity? I am not an expert on any of those men but I think I am safe in saying they were decent enough not to trash Meryl Streep at a dinner in her honor. I am not sure people with problems of any kind can be deemed lacking decency or humanity. Plus, I find it interesting that she is only picking on men. Does that make her a gender bigot?
So...Thought Number Two: Crabby Pants and I have decided to do a parody.
As you might imagine, rap music isn't exactly my #1 choice as far as music genres go...so there are no expectations here at TAOBC, that the rap duo of Ceeinpee and Cher-hanna achieving super-stardom.
(Explanation...Given that Marshall Mathers turns into the name Eminem....you can appreciate that Crabby Pants would be Ceeinpee....right?)
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Am I safe in assuming, that Chris Brown and Rihanna are offended? |
I think you have monsters alive in your head,
Telling you to say stuff that’s better unsaid,
You may think you’re special, but keep it under your breath
It just sounds so crazy, yeah it just sounds so crazy...
I may not be a rapper or rich or secure
But I don’t stand on platforms and make you endure
My opinions and comments that cut to the quick,
Besides being rude, they are making us sick,
We get you’re a diva,
and a great actress too,
But no one’s a fan... like you are of you.
Mozart is spinning in his grave at the news
That he’s odd and deficient, at least in your view
I guess Tarantino will have to do a movie that’s dark
And full of expletives to prove your remark
That he’s tormented
and anguished and humanity’s blight,
Eminem admits that he’s crazy so, you won’t get a fight.
Maybe Van Gogh didn’t hear, there's a chance that might be,
But really, can't you...Do unto others as you want done to thee.
Repeat Chorus
I think you have monsters alive in your head,
Telling you to say stuff that’s better unsaid,
You may think you’re special, but keep it under your breath
It just sounds so crazy, yeah it just sounds so crazy...
Just for the sake of giving you the appropriate tune...I picked out one of the other parodies of this song.

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