Thought Number One: You know what they say about "Good Intentions".
Last Tuesday morning, I had every intention of posting my "Two Thoughts For Tuesday" and those good intentions hit a brick wall. I am sure you have heard the quote "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." Well..last week I traveled that road and it was not a pleasant journey.
So.... do you mind if I complain a bit? I know you get tired of listening to the never ending lineup of complainers that surround you but, I think you will agree with me on a couple of points why my complaints are warranted.
You might remember that just 10 days ago or so, it was freezing here in the middle of the country only to be followed up with 80 degree weather within a matter of days. While not wanting to look a gift horse in the
Not convinced this is a gift horse. |
mouth, the extreme weather change brings on a bit of urgency for the Midwest gardener. Well...I shouldn't even say "Midwest" I should say Johnson County, Kansas gardeners because this is "extreme" gardening here. We not only fight the weather but we fight each other for product and services. While there are thousands of landscapers and various lawn and garden related service providers, there seems to be an extreme shortage of any that actually know anything about yards or gardens.
I had hired a landscaping company to put in a number of plants and trees in a back portion of my yard. The bid consisted of planting a large tree, 2 six foot shrubs and a lot of smaller plants, plus they were to enlarge the planting bed and sod the area in front of it. A week or so ago, I realized that the large tree they planted isn't's dead. Also, the 2 shrubs that were supposed to be Rose of Sharons...aren't. That is just a couple of things that made an appearance on the bid, that didn't actually show up at the final party. Sooo...I made a several calls and sent several emails to ask for a meeting to go over the "situation".
I wish I could of recorded last Tuesday's morning meeting but I doubt that "landscaper man" would of been too happy to be videotaped. Still, that would of equaled things out a bit as I am not particularly happy, having to deal with a half-assed job. At one point he tried to convince me that the tree was alive and just needed time to
green up but when he shook the tree to reinforce his fell over. Seriously...the tree fell...prone onto the ground. As the poor slob stood there over the prostrated tree, he said something about " it needed staked." He seemed oblivious to the fact the tree was a variety of EVERGREEN that was currently the color of tanned leather....and laying on the ground. It was all I could do, not to yell "timber" and pronounce it dead on the spot.
I know that you don't know me all that well, but you might of figured out over the last few years of reading my posts, that I am a proficient complainer. Yes, I am gifted. At one point in the conversation, I asked him if he was proud of the work he had done and would he mind if I took pictures to show all the ladies at all the various clubs I belong to. Before waiting for his response, I started snapping a number of shots with my Iphone.
The conversation quickly made a U-turn with promises of a "live" tree being swapped for the pathetic plant laying on the ground. Although, it must be said, I haven't seen evidence of the swap actually happening yet.
Onward to my next gripe. I switched cable companies. Against all logic I decided to switch from a totally workable system into the abyss of the unknown because of "price." I knew this was an endeavor that would drive me to the brink insanity, yet, I kept telling myself for $165 dollar DIFFERENCE per month, I should try to go the distance and go with a new company.
To be honest, I did the research. I talked to people using the service. I talked to the local representative and asked all the possible questions and pointed out the myriad of reasons my house would be the worst "install" that their company would ever be unfortunate enough to have to deal with. The local rep for his part, rolled his eyes, assured me that their installers weren't of the mediocre quality of my last cable, phone, Internet provider and they could install this baby in two hours.
Needless to say, one lonely little installer came at 8:00 AM on Wednesday. At 8:00 PM he
called for a second installer to join him. After the two commiserated
over the difficulty of the job, they ran "temporary wires" until they
can send in someone else to run new cables.

None of that came as anything close to unexpected. I have moved 21 times in my adult life and when it comes to cable companies, it's not that my attitude is "the glass is half empty". My attitude is that the glass is bone dry and has remnants of lime deposits clinging to the bottom. I expect problems. I count on the fact there are going to be problems in all arenas: installation, technical and billing. Yes, I know this trifecta of aggravation is an absolute when switching cable providers.
I wasn't exactly shocked the following morning when I turned on my TV to watch the news and it didn't work. Here is a portion of my "chat" on the customer service chat line:
I am not entirely sure the phrase "as good as resolved" is easing my mind. |
AND last but not least...the third reason, I never got around to posting last Tuesday.

You might remember my concerns over being called for jury duty last year in my posts
Looking from Both Sides Now and
Who Is the Liar?
Last Tuesday, I was notified that I AGAIN was called for jury duty. Now don't go jumpin' to the conclusion I don't live to serve BUT the problem with this summons is that it was to serve in Denton County, TEXAS.
I live in Johnson County, Kansas and have for nearly 10 years now.
The basic problem with jury duty notifications besides that pesky question "Do you deem yourself mentally competent to serve?" which at best is a trick that they have that threat in there about " if you fail to respond there will be a bench warrant issued on your behalf." I don't really know why a bench warrant is called a bench warrant as opposed to using the word "arrest" but I don't think it has to do with a cozy little area to rest and relax.
If I won lotteries like I "win" jury duty, I would be rich and I wouldn't be worried about my impending arrest on an outstanding warrant. Needless to say, on Tuesday between bargaining for a living tree, Wednesday watching the installer(s) commiserate over my house being the worst install which I kept nodding and saying "told-ja-so"...I now was dealing with the powers that be in Texas to recognize I moved out of their lovely state in 2005 and serving on jury duty just wasn't going to be convenient for me.
Thought Number Two: Providing I am not in jail...I am confident that this is going to be a good week...right???

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