Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Social Networking Group

I am thinking this morning of starting my own Social Networking site. That's right.  I think I need to find a few million like-minded people that want to form a connection of sorts.  I am calling my group the Status QUO.  This group is anybody who fits (their status, as it were) into the category of being QUIRKY, UNUSUAL or ODD.

I am thinking being quirky, unusual or odd is the status quo, in today's world.   So my, soon-to-be friends, all of us that are QUO, let me tell you why I think there is a need for us to band together.

My new social networking site idea is coming to me as a result of a story that appeared in Redbook about the "social networking" site.. Ashley Madison. 

Raise your hands out there if you a member of the Ashley Madison web community.  OMG, you with your hands are pigs...really...just sayin' ...pigs.

Well, it turns out that Ashley Madison (lets call it AM for the rest of this post) is the fastest growing social network site with the exception of Facebook.  8 MILLION PEOPLE.....follow me here....8 million people have signed onto this site. This site even CHARGES for people to be members and 8 million joined.

This site is for married people looking for other married people to have affairs with.  Uh-huh, that's right.   You heard me.  Cheaters looking for people to cheat with.

I swear, there are days that I  think that I must live under a rock.  Why am I just now hearing about this? AM has been in business over eight years.  Joel Biderman, the Ashley Madison founder and CEO has appeared on numerous talk shows of which I must not have been paying attention.  That frankly, surprised me.  Why didn't I look up from whatever book I probably had my nose stuck in, when I heard the company 's catch phrase. LIFE IS SHORT HAVE AN AFFAIR.  I guess if I lived in Toronto, I might have noticed the advertising. (pink...such an interesting choice for public transportation)

 This week on the Today Show, Jill Herzig, the Editor-in-Chief of Redbook was a guest.  Redbook has done an expose for this months magazine about the AM "dating" web site.  Two reporters, one male and one female, went undercover (ooh, bad choice of words) to check out the ins and outs (ok, I am not even trying to be dirty here) of this adulterers network.

So, at this point, while I listen to Hoda Kotb and Kathy Lee Gifford talk to Jill Herzig and a psychologist, Dr. Jeff Gardere discuss the results of the undercover sleuthing, I am getting the feeling that I must be odd that I  find this all so unbelievable. (and may I also, say very creepy?)

  I did happen to notice that Kathy Lee was getting worked up into a dither on the subject. (probably is hitting a little close to home with the whole Frank Gifford story from a few years back).  I think maybe Kathy is a candidate to join my new site over at Status QUO.


In the first day of membership for the female Redbook reporter, she got 167 responses to her profile.
That is pretty impressive.  I mean what other kind of email or post gets 167 hits on the first day?  I would be in blog heaven (that would be just to the right of hog heaven) if those were in response to one of my posts.  (I guess the missing element is that I am not looking to put out)

Here is a link that has a lot of information, alternating points of view and an interesting interview with Joel Biderman on the View.  Normally, I can't stand that foursome, but I did enjoy watching them screw with Joel. (oops, did it again.  Really, I am not trying.  Actually it is OK if Joel screws with the View ladies because it would give his MA web site some credibility)

So back to my original thought about starting my own Social Network for the the quirky, unusual and odd of us that seem to be in the minority.  Are there 8 million of us that just want to live good, healthy, lives?
Now I sound all kum ba yahish, don't I?  I guess all those "work hard and play nice" axioms are just not trendy and cool.

So very dull, I know. I am so odd, unusual...yes...quirky.

Well, I will be working on my social network site for STATUS QUO.  I will let you all know when it is up and running.  I expect at least 167 responses the first day.

The Good for the day.....I hope I am not being overly optimistic thinking that there are some people that are in committed, (non-cheating) marriages.

The Bad for the day.....There are a lot of computer savvy cheating dogs out there

The Weird for the Day....Instead of the L with the index and thumb on the forehead, our symbol can be O or  U.  The Q would take both hands.

In my world, I want some righteous indignation, when someone is cheating. You go Carrie!


Patti Winker said...

I'm in! Let me know when you get it going. I must have had my head stuck in a book somewhere, also, cause this is news to me. Serious WTF (must be serious cause it's uppercase).

LOVE your attitude, Cheryl. I don't get all the nasty stuff out there. I started to think it was because I was getting old (past the 50 mark now by quite a long shot), but now I believe I, like you, just have better taste, better scruples, better everything.

Thanks for sharing this info, I guess. I probably didn't really need to know about this, but it does sort of give me a new appreciation for myself. And, I like knowing there are people like me out there - like you. Thanks!

btw... I found you through BodaciousBoomer, and I'm so glad I did!

Cperz said...

Hi Patti, So glad you came by. Is it that our age let's us participate in that "with age comes wisdom" group or are the "we are freakin' nuts" group, growing by leaps and bounds???

Oh, I see an upcoming blog dealing with the growing numbers of "stupid".

Stop by and visit anytime.

Anonymous said...

Hit me up when you start your network!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.. Ima now following you too!!

Cperz said...

Thanks for coming by, Midwestern Mama Holly.

yeh, I need to get this Status Quo thing goin' so when all the idiots from Ashley Madison have their spouses dump their sorry butts they will have somewhere to go to make a better class of friends. (albeit quirky, unusual and odd)

Cheeseboy said...

Oh, I READ that article. Disgusting. I mean, what creep-os! Ashley Madison should be absolutely ashamed.

But, I love your idea. I think you could even make money. I'd join. (But I'd have to quit my Ashley Madison membership.)

Cperz said...

Oh, so you are one of those "dirty dogs" that I was talking about.(giggle, giggle) (sorry to the real canines, out there) I hear your membership at AM is around $250. Status QUO is going to be $19.95. BUT...WAIT...if you act within the next 45 minutes you get....I haven't quite figured that part out yet. The incentive won't be the same incentives as what the Ashley Madison site is giving out though.

Wayne said...

So, just wondering, is the founder of this Ashley Madison crap, on your "bus" from the earlier blog??? I'll bet he is close to being the driver......just sayin

Wolfbernz said...

Hi Cheryl

I'll Join you, I think I would fit in just fine :)

That is disgusting - The AM site. talk about no morals, plus you just might catch something Ajax won't wash off!

Cperz said...

Hi Wolfe, I love that Ajax line. You are right though, the employees over at the CDC need to be earning those government pensions of theirs and be keeping track of any STDs running amuck via AM.

Ron said...

OI! Great post! Yah...I'm going to pass on the whole mixing with married people social thingy. The baggage that they bring to that site is too much for me to carry...bad back and all.

I am intrigued with your "quirkY people site" though. I would be a good fit. If you look in the dictionary under quirky...there's a picture of me ;)


BTW I am following, and put your badge on my blog :)

Widow_Lady302 said...

Holy CRAP....but that gives me an idea...hmmmm matching widow fetishists with well, nevermind!

Seriously, a married persons cheat center? ICK it makes me get all gaggy...May the crotch crickets be with them!

Cperz said...

Hi Ron,
I think if we look under Quirky in the dictionary there will be a very large GROUP photo. I pretty sure that is where all my good friends would be.

Thanks for the badge grab, I did likewise.

Cperz said...

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa,

They don't don't make them funnier than you. (not sure who "they" are but they have a wicked sense of humor)

I already put out the word to the CDC to keep an eye out for STDs. I will ammend that in a memo to them and ask them to include crotch crickets.

injaynesworld said...

I love the way you do the dates with the four photos. So clever.

No, there are no more moral boundaries. I've always felt if a man would cheat on his wife to be with me, he'd cheat on me, too.

I have several friends in long-term, committed relationships that don't cheat. In fact, pretty much all the couples I know.

You might want to look into getting Disqus for comments and losing the Blogger format. You'll have much more interaction with your readers and probably get more comments. I'll be back, my new friend!

Cperz said...

I don't see why all women don't get that, if he is a cheat with the ex that he will be a cheat with his current. There is just a lot of CRAZY in our world today. Thanks for stopping by my new friend. I will be visiting you over at your blog too.

Ron said...

OI! Great post! Yah...I'm going to pass on the whole mixing with married people social thingy. The baggage that they bring to that site is too much for me to carry...bad back and all.

I am intrigued with your "quirkY people site" though. I would be a good fit. If you look in the dictionary under quirky...there's a picture of me ;)


BTW I am following, and put your badge on my blog :)

Patti Winker said...

I'm in! Let me know when you get it going. I must have had my head stuck in a book somewhere, also, cause this is news to me. Serious WTF (must be serious cause it's uppercase).

LOVE your attitude, Cheryl. I don't get all the nasty stuff out there. I started to think it was because I was getting old (past the 50 mark now by quite a long shot), but now I believe I, like you, just have better taste, better scruples, better everything.

Thanks for sharing this info, I guess. I probably didn't really need to know about this, but it does sort of give me a new appreciation for myself. And, I like knowing there are people like me out there - like you. Thanks!

btw... I found you through BodaciousBoomer, and I'm so glad I did!