Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why NOT have a baby after 50

Clearly there are reasons not to become new mommy over the age of 50.  I know, I know, ....I have already offended a whole bunch of you mommies-to-be that are jonesing to add to  your brood at 53 or 54 or whatever.  I am just here to offer up an opinion or two, as to why you might want to rethink the whole "what fun it could be to have a new baby in the house...even though you should be thinking about retirement" idea. 

I happened to come across an  older article this week written by Karen Day, an NBC reporter who decided along with her husband to have a baby at the age of 53.  At the time she had older children but felt the time was right to expand her family.  If you are wanting to read this article to support any notions of procreating you might be having, you can click here for your reading pleasure. I noticed that the original article was written in 2007 and I can't find any newer, more recently written articles telling us how everything is going.  My best guess is, she is taking a lot of naps now and doesn't have time to write.  Then, as my curiosity was up and running rampant, I did a little research and women over 50 are have babies fairly regularly. With all the medical advances to help the cause, it would appear that women's biological clocks keep on ticking...at least a lot longer.  In fact, I was able to find a number of articles about 60  year old "new" mommies and YES even a couple  of women in their 70s giving birth.  Did you hear me???...GIVING BIRTH!!!!

Anyway, the whole idea of me having a baby in my late 50s...OMG the very thought has me ready to vomit...left me with the realization that I am not capable of being a mommy (of little ones, that is)  anymore.  I think that there aren't enough energy drinks in all of Kansas to help me keep pace with a new baby from birth to college at my age.

The reason I have come to this declaration of "I am too flipping old is this.......

Last week I was feeling rather spry...youngish even.  I work out, I eat right...the 50s are the new 40s right??? WRRRROOOONNNNG.

The truth is...
I am a GRANDPARENT. This was clearly proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt,  last week when I took my two adorable grandsons for a week so mommy and daddy could take a romantic trip sans their little boys.   My grandsons are really nice, well-behaved little guys at the ages of 1.5 and 4.  They are adorable.  I know you think I am bias and all...but really they are ADORABLE.

The basic problem, as I see it is my lack of stamina to keep up with a one year old and a 4 year old.
It should have been easy-peasy, right?  No problem.  I managed two children full time when my own kids were kids.  The missing link seems to be I was in my 20's.  My very early 20's. Now I am not.

Thought #1.... There are Reasons 50+ year olds were never intended to be new mommies.

Thought #2--- Grandparenting is easier and way more fun

I take the role of being Grandma very seriously.  It is my JOB to make sure they have fun all the time.  It is, also, my job to let them eat total crap.  Sugar..sure..no limits.  That is what I am here for.

Hugs, kisses, lots of sugar, lots of mac and cheese, grilled cheese and ....french toast with syrup and powdered sugar sprinkled on top.  These are the rules.  I don't make this stuff up.  

Typically, when the two little guys come over and I load them up with sugar and shower them with fun and very few "NOs", I get the glory of handing them back to their parents.  At that point,  my daughter and her hubby can oversee them  while they come down off the sugar high while assuring them that there are limits.  (BTW...the response to that is "not at Grandma's house.")

 This  little setup works perfectly fine for me and Grandpa.

Note-At Grandma's house, the binky (pacifier) can be used as needed.
The bouncing baby does not have a blue smile.

Usually, by the time mommy and daddy come and pick up the G-Boys, this is what they look like.

So anyway, last week after having them for a week, I have discovered that I love having them around, they are adorable but clearly I don't have the energy that I once had.  By the end of the week this is what I looked like. 

Notice that the footwear no longer alludes to "high energy and

So my grand-sweeties are back home and are none the worse for wear after having put up with me for the week.  Gosh, my house is so quiet.  Crazy, how quiet.

Oh, BTW here is the real grandboys... They are adorable aren't they???

Just so you know..due to copyright restrictions, I need to tell you this photo was taken by Captures In Time ....so here is the link to their studio. 

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