Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Getting on the Christmas Bus

Note:  Dear Readers, 

In my on going effort to confuse everyone,  I have changed the format of my posts.  At the end of the first couple of paragraphs,  you will see the words "read more".  Click on the "read more" to open up the rest of the post.  This change was made in an effort to ensure the emailing of  my blog to my subscribers.  

When does the Christmas season start?   When I was a little girl it started on December 13th.  Nothing Christmasy  (OK...you spelling purists...I know that isn't a word...get over it)  started prior to the "12 days of Christmas". Today it would seem, that the Christmas season officially kicks off at the Hobby Lobby in August. Christmas is well represented in September in all the big box stores.   Lest we forget,  Christmas and commercialism go hand and hand, these days....so on the outside chance you aren't aware of it...THERE'S ONLY 44 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS.

Why am I bringing up the subject of  "when does the Christmas season really start" you ask?  (If you aren't asking...too bad...I am going to tell you anyway.)

 In years past, I have made it a mission not to jump start the season.  Somewhere around mid-December, I start my shopping usually to finish up at the very last minute. I tend to thrive under pressure.  I admit the pressure is somewhat reduced now that some stores stay open on Christmas Day.   So far I have not had to resort going to Walgreens on Christmas morning to finish...but I (theoretically) have a few years left to put that to a test.

My alter-ego, Crabby Pants is a big believer in not starting Christmas until there is a Partridge in a Pear Tree coming her way.  

click to enlarge
Crabby Pants usually scowls until Dec. 13th and then puts on her happy panties.

This year, however, I (and Crabby Pants)  have obliterated the "wait til December" rule by going to Branson, Missouri.

Thought Number One:   Christmas officially starts in Branson on November 4th.  (at least it did this year)

For those of you that are not familiar with Branson, Missouri, it is a tourist destination that boasts the nickname of  "Live Music Capital of the World.."  While most people associate that music as being Country music that's not entirely true. (only partially true, ...there are a sh** load of country music entertainers there)  There are a lot of theaters and entertainers that aren't country oriented, as well.

Branson's has a number of fun things to do to lure the tourists in.

A. There is a huge theme park that is built around Marvel Cave, called Silver Dollar City.   (I will try to do a post on that soon as it is great fun and time/space doesn't allow me to elaborate today)

B.  It is a mecca for senior citizens.  According to AARP, I am one... because everyone  at the ripe old age of 50 gets an  AARP card. Which, by the way, I take total UMBRAGE with. (yes, I realize the use of the word umbrage, isn't helping my cause of convincing you that I am not a senior citizen for at least a couple more years)  What the hell? Even now after a few years of having a card that seemingly does nothing for me, I still think it was sent prematurely. This association is supposed to help the cause of RETIRED people.  Who retires at 50?  Those select few that have enough moolah to retire at 50 don't need AARP's help.

C.  Table Rock Lake - The Army Corp of Engineers finished building Table Rock Dam in 1958 which backed up the White River to form a 52, 3000 acre clear water lake.

not so pretty from this view

much prettier from this view

Anyway...back to the early Christmas kickoff.   In years past we made our way over to Branson in December to be fa-la-la-la-ed-up prior to the holidays but this year we went a tad earlier. As the weather was mild this year, we wanted to hang around Silver Dollar City longer and not freeze our buns off, we went in mid-November.  As it turns out so did 90 percent of the senior population in America. (I know I am taking liberties with the percentage but considering the number of buses in Branson, I think I am pretty close to accurate)

buses hauling shoppers to Branson Landing
Had I figured out that my phone can do panoramic photos, I would have
shown the gazillion buses more accurately.  Maybe next year.

 While my intent was to go over to Branson, see some fun shows, meet up with my wonderful brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and eat a lot of good food that I wouldn't normally eat and not be overly concerned  with my "Christmas isn't supposed to start until mid-December" philosophy...I got sucked in the festivities.

Bright lights make it Christmasy
Pictures don't do it justice

Not that you can see it but there is a pianist in the Gazebo playing Christmas

The big Christmas tree lights continually change colors.
I threw this one in...just because I thought they were pretty.

Thought Number Two:  For this year and this year only..Crabby Pants is allowing a little Christmas in November.

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